eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

please let us know the username of the buyer so we can block them

This was not an international item, just some 1986 fleer basketball cards, a $716 transaction.
The case was eventually in my favor but I just thought it was unusual for a case to come up three months after the transaction.

Not really an eBay seller but still, beware:


I’m in the same boat with this POS…


Order still not filled…“waiting on CGC”…

Traded multiple emails and he only insults me when I prove a point or point out his bad business practices.

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glad to see they’re going out of business… :grinning:


I won’t order anything that takes more than a year. Nothing should take that long. When it reaches 11 months, I’m filing a claim before the 12 month expiration. Too many dirtbags out there. Too many …


I’m often surprised that in this current world, some of these scam artists aren’t ultimately held a bit more “accountable” in an up close and personal way. Maybe they are I suppose and I’m just not aware.


Well, I hope you paid by credit card. If so you can start the long process of filing a claim to get your money back, If enough people are affected and willing to come forward and put in the effort, I suppose a class action could be filed, but what a massive hassle and odds of full recovery would most likely be minimal. At least it would screw with the dirbag owner.


Yeah not my personal purchase, but @Im_super_into_that ’s

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Ah, I see. Still, they guy seems like a real peach.

General question regarding ebay offers functionality. I generally add the offer feature in all my ebay postings, however curious how others deal with lowball offers such 30% of the asking price.
Do you try to negotiate or just reject? The lowest offer I ever received was 10% of the asking price.

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Christ. I receive 50-70% off offers all the time. I deny them and block the low ballers. If someone offers like 20-30% I will counter them at what I am comfortable with.


I set the minimum price for an offer I will entertain. eBay will automatically reject any offer that is below my threshold. Anything above gets sent to me and we go from there.

If it’s an item I just want gone and don’t want to haggle about, I’ll set auto-accept for any offer above a certain amount. Anything below that offer is auto rejected.


I too add the min offer setting. People want to get a deal, and I’m always willing to move a little on prices. But, if someone comes in at 50%, I don’t want to deal with that. I don’t need to block them, but negotiation won’t get anywhere with those. So, I list the item for what I’d like to get, and set my offer min to the absolute min I’d consider. I usually negotiate from there, but at least you’re starting from a reasonable point.

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Same here, I set a minimum for a best offer so offers below my threshold I don’t even see or waste my time with. I don’t tend to block in this scenario as I don’t want to limit my customer base. If your money is green and printed by the US Treasury, sounds good to me. I don’t take lowballs personally as with everyone else in their shoes I’m also always looking for a deal or paying the lowest price I can.

Any offer I get at 50% off or below, I auto block. It is our duty to block lowballers so that they stop doing it.

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I don’t block anyone for making lowball offers. I make some myself so I’m trying to not be a hypocrite. Does it annoy me like seeing way overpriced comics? A bit, but again I’m a lowballer myself.

I will say people like to feel like they’re getting a deal so price your stuff however you want. If you want to have the price a bit higher to negotiate go ahead. The best way to avoid low ball offers & the annoyance they may cause is to have a minimum best offer. Buyers can counter with less than your minimum but you can also turn the counter offers off.


I myself am a lowballer. I look for the cheapest book possible in the condition that I am willing to pay. For example, I found someone that had a book for $400. I offered $300 and they countered with $325. I was willing to pay up to $375 and got a better deal then expexted. (Book was Tomb of Dacula #1 raw 6.0-7.0). If I didnt low balled, I dont think I would of gotten this deal.


A 25% offer is not a bad offer though… I think for most talking low ball offers, that’s an okay offer.

The only reason I got annoyed when I sold on eBay and got 50% of more type of offers is that I was usually the lowest priced book. I like to undercut others. So yeah, when I was usually the lowest price + shipping already and someone comes in hoping to knock off another 50%… GTFOH… I just ignore and move on and let their offer expire with no action.

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I’m the same way. If I put up a book for $400 and someone offers me $300, that’s a reasonable offer as it’s 75% of my listing. We can go from there but most times I would just accept that offer. If it’s something that I’m not too keen on selling for that price then I may counteroffer. Most times 75%-85% offer for my listing will get the job done.

I’m also usually the one that has the lowest price and usually the highest grade listed. I check what others are selling for and if a NM copy is selling for $25 and I have a NM+ copy, I would sell it for $20. I want to sell my books and move inventory, not have it sit there for the next few months for an extra $5. That’s why it’s extra annoying when somebody lowballs me and make an offer of like $7 when they already know that I have already competitively priced the item. Instant block when someone does that.