Fantastic Four: Antithesis

1:50 and 1:25

So … If Galactus is transforming into ‘someone we know’, does his origin story decide to heat up here?

Thanks! I still like A/B better.

This is who I was talking about to make it clear. Could just be a cloud :cloud:

That’s Galactus. Curious what he is transforming into that we know. Which one is the Pichelli variant?

I thought the 1:25 cover had this Antithesis character on it. Then I looked at the cover to issue #3

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TFAW has the 1:50 and 1:25 available at VERY sporadic times. The 1:25 is available now.

Yup, you can find the Pichelli Variant here.

I learned long ago, I don’t spec on Fantastic Four anymore. Been burned too many times… Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t expect anything to come out of any Fantastic Four modern book. They make great supporting cast characters now… but as a group, meh…

They were cool decades ago… not so much now. Like when POP boy bands were all the rage 20 years ago… not so cool nowadays…

I’ve tried adding the Pichelli Variant since about 7am however to no avail. Let’s you click but quantity not available. Usually the case with them so I imagine the listing will be gone soon.

I like both her and Stegman’s art in regards to those variants but I won’t go out of my way on either. Sure won’t pay more than ratio. Both are underwhelming even with me being a fan.

Completely agree on FF spec…pretty easy pass.

I do believe the two gladiator kiddos that are part of this Empre storyline in Empyre #0 FF have some possibility however. I bought a few extra copies of those.

Yeah, that’s probably Antithesis. I thought it might just be a darker version of Galactus. I’ll order a copy if something cool happens in the book day of release.

Modern FF comics haven’t been that great but we’ll see where this series gores. I’m not going heavy. One for the pc and maybe the 1:25 if the price is half or close to half ratio.

Between the corner box and Trade dress, that looks like Galactus to me. And yes, the falling dude on that cover is Norrin Radd.

When was the last FF Spec that meant anything? Ultimate Fantastic Four 21/22?

When did Galactus, Silver Surfer and Black Panther show up? :wink:

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Wow, and here I thought 15 years was a Long stretch…like Buffalo Bills ineptness proportions. But you are really calling out Marvel’s First Family!

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Thor 6 Skroce (Spoiler) Variant

I have a feeling that this one is going to pop for some reason.

We shall see. I snagged a couple of copies to be safe. As someone on here said, FF is a tricky comic to collect/trade. They have not been fruitful over the years.

I don’t spec on them anymore. Nothing but duds… good luck to those who are spec’ing…