Fantastic Four movie

It’s better talking about health than those trying to say “dope” and whatever silly words kids use nowadays to be hip and cool! :wink:

And we all know the FF movie is gonna suck donkey balls, derailing it just distracts those setting their expectations too high on that movie… :wink:


Came here for Fantastic Four news, find old foggies talking about their bodies.



That’s drippin.

You get both. Lol. Mila Kunis is not Ben Grim, but Adam Driver may be Mr. Fantastic. Also, I am old.


Hey, when you’re sexy ya just can’t help but talk about it.


The Adam Driver as Reed articles are going crazy today. Nothing I’ve seen yet from one I consider truly reliable but…

Someone holler if you see it from one you trust.

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I’ll have to wait and see, but I feel like that is a bad casting choice. Reed is an older character.

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If Driver is in, I’m cool with that. I think he’s a good actor. He’ll be in his 40s by the time the MCU FF movie comes out.

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I long for the days when I could worry about casting because the stories and presentation were so darn good, regardless.
Now I just pray for a decent story… just decent.


He’s not a bad actor but he just doesn’t seem to fit the role. I’m sure he will look and sound stellar next to a whiney, high pitched, petite female Thing yelling It’s clobbering time.


He will be cast as Doctor Doom not Reed

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I believe when he gained his powers, he was around 35 according to the comics. I think since then they usually depict him as being around 50.

I would think that too… Makes more sense. Who knows with Marvel/Disney though.

It’d be pretty stupid to start them out so old. I’m betting they will be much younger versions than the comics depict.

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It’s fits that their older because if they’re smart they skip the whole origin BS and go with the early Doom story where he trapped them in the micro verse only for Antman to save them. So you can take Antmans actions in Quantamania and explain why they are back and that they were already established superheroes in the 60s and that’s why they’ve been gone. Then you can have Doom team up with Namor and do the whole Namor falling in love with Sue story and turning on Doom. To follow it up with Doom going after Silver Surfers board and Galactus story.


The Alana-Verse sometimes make a lot more sense then The MCU…



Is this antisemitic of Disney or nah?

