Fantastic Four movie

I was a spring chicken when that slang was popular. Ugh, at least I wasn’t using “that’s the bee’s knees”. I suppose if I was I would have an Action #1 sitting around somewhere.

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I am less than a year away from 50. They say that is the new 40. I am not sure about that. Right now I feel like I am 70.


I felt that way until I started to run, lost a bunch of weight… best I’ve felt in over a decade. Probably best shape I’ve been in since high school days too. I highly recommend getting into a new diet and workout routine that works best for you…


I am also approaching 50. I’ve been hitting the treadmill and running 4-5 miles a day all winter…haven’t lost an oz.

Just makes me want to eat more.

But I feel healthier, even if I haven’t lost any weight technically.

Replacing fat for more dense muscle, is what I tell myself.

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Did you change your diet at all? Do you actually need to lose weight?

No cap, one hunnit!

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I’ll admit that I have had a few more cheat days than normal with the stress of two kids under 2 years old and buying a house…but I’ve been mostly keto and have put on roughly 15lbs. Its annoying AF.

The only people that say 50 is the new 40 are 50 year olds. I’m on my way toward that number, and it’s not like 40 at all.

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I probably should lose about 20-40 lbs. if I’m being honest.

Diet change? No. Other than I’m hungry more often.

All I know is that I don’t want to wait until I’m 65 to retire…but having kids a bit late in life is going to play a factor in any early retirement plans…

Try fasting then if you don’t want to change actual diet. I started off fasting. I would not eat until after 12 noon and then stop eating after dinner, which was between 6pm and 8pm daily. But still watch the amount you eat overall. Just do smaller portion sizes.

But I’m mostly eating vegan diet now with limited dairy (mostly no cheese) as well but not fasting as much as I use to.

I was 36 When you was born, way too late. Sam turns 18 I will be approaching 60

Exactly why I had all my babies before I turned 30. Youngest turns 15 this month. When she’s 18, I’ll be 48 and they’ll both hopefully be off to college… the real fun begins again in 3 years for me! :slight_smile:

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All I can say is that grandchildren are the BEST!
Two grand-daughters with a grand-son on the way.
The one thing that can melt this grumpy old Marines heart.


Yeah…I’ve kinda got this thing where I enjoy eating food. And good food too. So fasting and vegan diets aren’t really going to work for me…

I’m just going to what Forrest did and just keep running…


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Then you’ll likely never lose weight despite running 4-5 miles a day. Didn’t say you had to go vegan but fasting helps. It also puts your insulin and other things in check. I work with a guy who eats one meal a day and he eats all he can in that hour… runs and maintains his weight by such things.

We should split this into a health topic maybe. We’ve really wandered off from discussing the F4 movie!


… or we can talk about how much energy the Human Torch utilizes with each “Flame On” and thus wipe out his daily calorie burn within seconds :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:


I am gonna start handing out no prizes for people who tie in comics to a thread that has gone off the rails. Congrats @Bill for the first forum no prize


Invisible Woman, she makes calories…vanish