Fantastic Four movie

Hey, apparently the Power Cosmic is female too!

Next up: Prostate Exams are Female.


I thought they have been for the past decade now. Can’t be too careful.


The only issue I have is that I might get distracted by her shiny silver boobs for 120 minutes.

There have been multiple heralds. This makes no difference and the person writing the article may not even know that.

I’m more concerned about Pedro playing Mr. Fantastic
he’s a great actor and all, bit I’m not seeing it.


Some of you are worried about such silly stuff. I don’t care if the person playing Silver Surfer is male or female. I just want a good Fantastic Four movie for once, regardless of the actors’/actresses’ race and gender.


I wouldn’t say it is silly to worry about bad choices made in Fantastic Four movies considering how the previous ones turned out.



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I might have already touched on this
for me, the magic of the Fantastic Four is the personal relationships and interactions among them. It is very special in contrast to the rest of the Marvel Universe. I suppose the only other relationships/personal level interactions similar would be Peter Parker/history with Uncle Ben, Mary Jane/Aunt May etc.

You have to get that relationship right
you can’t just throw the four people together and expect it to work. Of the four, I feel like Ben Grimm is the most important. This man
this monster should be required reading with a short personal written report required before anyone touches the film.

You nail the family/teamwork/eccentrics of the characters and you can build on that successfully. Otherwise
you are “Doomed” (pun intended) from the start.


I want a good movie as well, but I also want the characters the way I have been reading them the past three and a half decades. I’m no bigot, and I shouldn’t have to sound off on that aspect just to have movie characters appear as they were originally created
Side note, I am not stating anyone on here is assuming I am a bigot because of my opinion but there are literally people out there that would do just that all because I like my Silver Surfer a bald, shiny male. Crazy times.


If it does end up being a female
 I’m just a little sad I’ll be missing out on some silver surfer man bulge
 but I guess we get boobs instead, so I’m okay with that trade off

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Something will be big and circular.

It’s almost like speech and thought are being attacked, isn’t it??



Well, we’ll always have Watchmen and Dr. Manhattan’s shlong

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Actually, at this point, I am surprised both Galactus and Silver Surfer, plus all four members of FF aren’t being played by women. It’s funny to watch the South Park episode become more and more true.


SILENCE!!! You’ll offend SOMEONE and must keep your thoughts to yourself unless they are parroting what the mainstream says you should be thinking!


I thought that special was pretty funny but I feel like depending on who you are theres different take aways, people love it cause its blasting woke disney and sjw stuff but the show pretty much lays it out by saying forced diversity is dumb but getting worked up and pissed about it is even dumber, especially when you consider cartman isnt supposed to be the voice of reason since hes a horrible person and extremely racist and him rallying against woke stuff hard is because he is racist and its commentary on the idea a lot of people who rally against diversity are just using it to mask their racism or sexism. Hell by the end of the episode both sides admit they made mistakes and are in the wrong but depending on the level of media literacy some people just see it as south park going hard against wokeness when that isnt really the point of it.


What mainstream? Everyone can choose to follow the “news” and pundits they like now and ignore the organizations that don’t line up with their beliefs. Social media is an echo chamber for any opinion one could ever have. There’s no real persecution for anything online, with the exception of maybe child abusers.

Anyway, let’s not panic until we know for sure what the FF cast actually shapes up to be or what story they plan to tell. Disney is interested in making money.


Gosh I hope you’re right.
I sometime really wonder if making money is #1. It doesn’t seem that way as of late

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I gotta see this episode. Sounds great.

I haven’t watched SP religiously for a long time. I gotta pick and choose what I have time for these days.

@LoveBox you are exactly correct on the episode. With that in mind, they totally poke fun at Disney taking it to far. I think what is happening is in their effort to bring in more viewers, they are alienating their core audience. At one point, I would see anything they threw up on the screen Now, I wait for it to stream and then maybe I will watch it.