Fantastic Four movie

How did I beat @monopolyjackson on this:


Heā€™s too busy ordering 1000 copies of Ultimate X-men 1


Im at workā€¦


All those choices were kinda confirmed/rumored already, just now its official.

Great choices. Im looking forward to see how Marvel Studios does The Thing & Human Torch different than the previous moviesā€¦


herbie confirmed too

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I thought this was your job!


And hisā€¦its?..first appearance FF #209 is starting to move as well.

Get your copies of Silver Surfer 1 vol 1 ready folks. Smoke em if you got them.

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I have a crush on Julia Garnerā€¦ :heart_eyes:


I have SS1

Honestly I donā€™t really get what people have to get mad with this one, its supposed to be set in an alternate universe hence why Norrin isnt being used and I imagine something happens where shes killed off at the end which lets them use Norrin as the main surfer

As long as I hear her yell out "I donā€™t know $&i# about F$(+& to Galactus Ill roll with it.


I just want a well written movie with character development, good story, intrigue, difficult choices for characters, drama, edge of seat interactions, and great action & effects. (And limited silly jokes).

I can live with just the above, after the latest atrocius offerings the last few years. Im desperate now.

I do however, prefer staying with the marvel mythos that has been established for 60 years. But its a preference; not a teeth grinding, exploding head situation as it can be for others.

That said, there are a whole bunch of fans that it will anger and could impact movie profits. Who knows. Words like supposedly, probably, and likely wont help them at this point in time. The Marvel heads and those that dont understand that negativity can choose to ignore it and dismiss it. But in the end, the movie profits & sustainability will tell the story. Always does.


Itā€™s really issue 12, right? Looks like a cameo, but sheā€™s on the cover.

Then shows up again in issue X.

Had to dig out my hard cover.


Yes issue 12 but more importantly sheā€™s on the cover

The bad press will affect ticket sales. It always does now. Unless youre a property like Barbie that moms take their daughters to. Feige has jumped the shark on this. Not surprising though. Deadpool really has to save the MCU at this point. Literally just handing the keys to the genre to James Gunn at this point.


Iā€™m done with Marvel over this announcement. If Kirby wanted the character to be female, he would have made her so. Itā€™s disrespectful to him. You want a female in that story? Use Frankie Ray then.


Disney/Marvel/Star Warsā€¦It doesnā€™t really matter which property, they have all been run into the ground by Studio heads that donā€™t care much for the fans of those properties. At some point something has to change and I doubt it will be the fans.


@MacCready @kyanther @rob92807

It is very shocking how pigheaded and obtuse Marvel seems to be.
I know & we know theyā€™ve seen the complaints and yet ā€¦ it just seems like they ignore.

Hoping still something that weā€™re missing but they definitely seem to be ā€œF.U fans, weā€™re going to do what we want to do and youā€™re going to like itā€
Not a good look