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SOMETHING EPIC #1 homage variants


Some of those are just bad.


One might say…Epically bad…?

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An Amber Turd cover variant. Never thought I’d see the day. NSFW I guess.

I was talking with my younger son (he’s 26). He enjoys the stuff I like, but isn’t necessarily a comic collector or even casual reader. He, out of the blue said to me “One of my buddies said something about a Dead by Daylight comic book that is supposed to come out”.

He, and many of his friends/girlfriends are pretty avid gamers. We looked the book up (sorry if this book/ordering is old news) and he was very excited about the different covers–especially the cover C game cover). He messaged his friends and 4 of them asked me to get them a copy.

Anyway, I though that was an interesting exchange and subsequently decided to go heavy on this new series. Again, going heavy in my realm of thinking is like 5-10 copies max.

For what it’s worth…


That picture of Amber Heard - I freaking busted out laughing. Pretty darn funny.

I was going to get it. But theres a store variant of the Tao cover. Virgin version…

Maybe ill get the game cover… there are alot of covers

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I’d think it’s a good move, the game is popular. Add in that Video Game firsts have been growing. Most of the ogs are on people’s radars, but thinking about when this gamer gen gets a little older and want to recapture that nostalgia, with some of the comics and toys. I could see some potential growth in a lot of the titles.

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I think video game tie ins are always good to pick up, well, first appearances that is

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Ive played the game and its insanely toxic lol, it features a lot of famed horror characters like ghostface, michael myers, and a few game crossovers like silent hill and resident evil but man its so hard to get into

Sick cover


What’s the game comic that came out in the past month or two that we briefly talked about? I thought it looked interesting, then I slept on it and missed it.

Found it…

Anybody get this? Any good?

I was watching some gamer’s review of the gameplay and it looks like a big flop


Pirates, cmon. They suck as a spec.

Plus, I never buy a comic that comes out before the game does.

The game keeps getting delayed…

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We need a genuinely fresh take on pirates.

Maybe pirates who uncover alien technology and travel the stars?

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Treasure Planet did it.

I like the game cover and there is a FOC FOIL Jae Lee cover also. $14.99 and will probably be low ordered from the price…

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The, “Amber Turd,” cover is lame. Just takes random memes and put them together in a manner that doesn’t make sense but supposedly is funny for that reason. Kind of why I got tired of, “Robot Chicken.”

I’ve been meaning to try, “Dead by Daylight,” on gamepass.

“Skull and Bones,” has been in development Hell so long.


Well, I hear puffy shirts are making a comeback…

The pirate story in, “Watchmen,” is itself pretty good.