FOC Mega Topic

Just enough to make the people buying realize that cameo, debut and any other silly term they use is still an “appearance” of some type… I’m gonna preach it as long as I can so hold on… If you don’t like it, well, just mute me if you have too… :wink:

I think the whole cameo/full is laughable. Which is why I make a joke any opportunity.

What I am curious about is when did the price of hulk 181 surpass 180? Because we all know that book basically is the crux of the debate, the bar all other situation reference back to.

Was it when slabbed books started to become popular and covers became more desirable…or was it long before that?


what is the disc on his head?

It is not a disc it is his hat. First appearance of Amish Venom.


oops wrong thread

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Its a hat. Venom Noir

I thought it was ‘ol Chap Venom.

“Top of the mornin’ to ya, gov’na! Fancy some brains, t’day?”

Just needs a pipe. Maybe glasses to finish the look.



ASM 300 Foil at TFAW!
Amazing Spider-Man #300 Foil Facsimile Edition

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cover price is $6.99

so not a …bad…price from a retailer

Yeah. Just like the Hulk #181 Foil… seems like TFAW has been pricing these decently. I’ve been happy with some orders lately from them. Seem to ship rather quickly and safely.

No that is for the regular Facsimile ASM 300
Amazing Spider-Man #300 Facsimile Edition

The link above is to the ASM 300 Facsimile Foil.

same cover price for both… $6.99

Yeah, foil has $6.99 cover price as well but like Hulk #181 Foil, publisher is charging full cover to retailers more than likely so TFAW bumped up the actual price they’re selling at.

After the popularity of these marvel foils, get ready for an avalanche of them

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works for me, I love foils


This might be one to watch. I not saying to buy this. Spoiler or reveal variants are the same things. You never know until the cover is revealed.
Something Is Killing the Children #32 (Cover E - Foc Reveal Variant)

Hopefully, marvel doesn’t screw them up with damages or something

I’m like if the facsimile foils…as long as they are affordable (I.e., not store exclusives ). But you know that is coming. only A matter of time before the Virgin or limited trade dress gets replaced with a foil variant.


That might depend on which distributor you order from and how

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