FOC Mega Topic

Shipping is flat rate. FOC orders just get added to an existing order

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Will be on it

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A lot of online shops have “hold boxes” that you can add your FOC order books to until you have enough to ship. They pre-order for you and will pick out the books in your hold box before they put the books out for sale if they have a brick and mortar. 99% my books are NM to NM+. If there’s ever an issue, they will fix it. Pre ordering keeps my online shop running and gives me 30% off pre. So win win. I also have my usual LCS that I use for non spec books and also for hot book of the week finds that I flip

If you have an online shop, why not get an account with diamond and prh?

No, I use an online shop. I don’t run it.

see my post above from 4 days ago for Sentry

looks like there could be a female sentry too

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Oh hang on, Cover A may have the first cover appearance of a few variants of the new Sentry. Worth a shot.


I liked the early Sentry stuff a lot. Then it got really confusing.


Is this a nude cover Tula Lotay did for Somna #1?

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She did one for a book previously.

She did many for, “Faithless,” I think? That is the one, right, @Anthony?


I think so.

looking at lunars list for this weekend tells me scout are not in great shape

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@billyraybob who or what is not in great shape


They do a hell of a lot of shows on Whatnot. They are doing a huge 3 day live stream, 72 straight hours on whatnot coming up. Who knows, they could be hard up for cash

They should make better comics then
 I haven’t seen anything in the past year or so that gets my attention story or art wise.

All companies should make better comics, just most companies do not huck on live streams like they do.