FOC Mega Topic

Facsimile edition poster???

What the hell is that? Now they’re just making stuff up.

Does that mean it’s exactly the same cover as the original, but with a $3.99 price tag?

Why not just make a poster of the original comic cover??? Why a post of a facsimile!!!


It’s a facsimile of the original poster

Actually it’s not I had the original poster and it was more gold than orange.

and the probably printed the original cover price ones for decades

I’ve always thought of facsimiles as being copies of printed written media, not something like a poster. But I guess if it was an exact replica it technically meets the definition.

I’m used to hearing posters referred to as “replicas”, so it threw me off. I suppose given a facsimiles are all the rage, why not use the term for posters as it might sell more copies if they call it a facsimile vs a replica…facsimile sounds “less fake.”

But if that’s true, then I want to start seeing facsimile poster variants…like foil posters!!! You know it’s coming.

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New Sentry on this week’s FOC


I wonder if we get some significant new characters inside but Young cvrs are just good for spec

The solicitations points to a new Sentry

The Sentry is dead, but ordinary people all over the world are suddenly manifesting his powers and experiencing snippets of Bob Reynolds’ memories. Will one of them survive long enough to emerge as the new Sentry? Or will their newfound power destroy them? When Misty Knight and Jessica Jones cross paths in search of answers, they open an investigation that will change everything you think you know about the Sentry!!


It does but that could be a purposely misleading solicitation

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Could be, still worth keeping an eye on.


No doubt

Points to several new sentry’s with one being the final

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I’m not spec’ing on a “new” sentry when the past several have yet to break out into the MCU. Long LONG term spec, at best.


Could be there’s some reader spec. Sentry never needed the MCU to have some value

Sure, but that takes time to pan out. I’m just saying I don’t think it’s a book that people need to be ordering copies pre-FOC. There will be plenty on the shelves day of release.

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If I wait till then, it will just cost me more

need @Anthony to do a Tuesday night spoiler

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It’s worth at least cover price. A Scottie Young cover pushes it over the edge for me. I’m getting 1 copy. An FOC cup of coffee

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How much are you actually saving committing pre-FOC? Do you get a discount from your LCS, or are you getting it online?

I also don’t like committing to books at my LcS because sometimes copies come in damaged, so I like to hand pick books. I only get a 10% discount as well, so Saving 40 cents isn’t worth it when I know they’ll have shelf copies.


Online for $2.69 per

Do you not have an LCS near by? Shipping kills online savings unless you order a lot of books each shipment.

I’m not that guy (large orders).