FOC Mega Topic

I watched CE video on how much comic shops make and I don’t even understand how small shops stay in business.

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A lot of shops don’t keep up with the current trends, or can’t manage their cash flow / inventory. Systems and processes can eliminate the need to hire additional personnel, which means more revenue to the bottom line.

I’m a noob to the whole thing, but I’ve seen enough shops to tell you why some are successful and some are hanging on by a thread.


Most shouldn’t. I’d imagine a bunch are in debt. There was a shop owner who use to hang out here all the time who claimed he was doing paypal loans to stay afloat.

I think the successful shops are the ones who do more than just comics. Gotta give people a reason to show up on all the other days besides Wednesdays (I suppose Tuesdays as well since DC changed their release day).


Not having a loan to pay is key. That can reduce your margins to near zero depending on the product after all is said and done. At that point you are a dead man walking, only a matter of time.

Slow and steady as she goes. No unnecessary risks, and don’t try to keep up with the Joneses :slight_smile:

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According to his latest, Comics Elite is no longer going to do discounted weekly orders on the website and go back to just doing Facebook live sales for new comic day.

Wow. Well good luck to him. I never shopped with him personally but I’ve noticed his decline after doing YouTube with Billy.

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I just made my first FOC order with Beeda’s, switched from ELITE. My last 4-5 packages from ELITE have been pretty bad (pre screened books) quality wise and they have been on the decline last 6 months or so. My whole order of Marvel books 30+ all had color rubs on the back cover, bad color rubs. They changed all the discounts and member rewards, no complete FOC list.

AT Beeda’s when I make a FOC order when do they send an invoice for payment?. When they get the books in?. I haven’t seen anything in emails or Paypal?. I sent a email and said I would probably do 2 week shipping and ship all my books when they come in. Is that when I will get a final invoice for books/shipping?..thanks for any help

YUP!! Theh invoice you when books come in, oeeps you up to date about damages delays etc. Any questions they answer emails rather quickly and on Fridays they send out the FOC ratio list and tell you how to order. Since its thru previews you can look ahead on book titles upcoming issues, A/B/C covers etc. I’ve ordered posters from them etc. You can add copied delete copies all before FOC. Just got a package today didnt open because I’m out but I’ll post pics in the morning to show the packaging etc.


I think they will send an invoice weekly unless you ask for something different. I’m doing once a month.

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@SpideyHunter516 @Bluemax.mindless

Thanks that helps a lot, appreciate it.
I did get the FOC ratio list on Friday and the ratio deals seem to be pretty good also.


The Symbiote variants for August are lousy. Hard to see why they thought it was a good idea.

Some cool covers on FOC 7/19 and DC is 7/18 (for those who didnt already know that)
STL195129 STL198201 STL194152 STL195460 STL193837 STL193839 STL194161
STL193863 STL194007 STL198577 STL198578 STL198640 STL198641


Liking these little reminders you got going on thanks


No problem. Just sharing what I see!!


Dont forget, this is on FOC for Monday: JUN210458 - STAR WARS HIGH REPUBLIC ADV MONSTER TEMPLE PEAK #1 (OF 4) (C - Previews World


More cover art revealed for books on FOC 7/18(DC) 7/19 all others

STL203608 STL195132 STL195438 STL195130 STL203609 STL195145 STL195183 STL195123 STL195440 STL195187



Thanks for the FOC covers. Had to verify them on the TFAW site, as some of the cover art has not been updated. Like the Miles, Bitter Root and America covers. The Netease covers are pretty good - though may not have a lot of spec value.

BTW, had a chance to read the first two Bitter Root TPBs. Pretty good - kind of like the Lovecraft TV series.

Nice House on the Lake 1, 3rd print is up on TFAW. No cover art though.
Nice House on the Lake #1 (of 12) (3rd Ptg) (

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