FOC Mega Topic

I like the direction Captain Marvel is taking. The new Binary entity is taking over the book. Because Captain Marvel disappears. Gonna be a good read.


What’s spoileriffic about this cover?

Anyone take a look at Cities of Magick #1 (FOC 2/21)?
A kickstarter that was picked up by Scout Comics. (minor spoilers)

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Wasn’t Binary already on a cover?


MOST scout books come from kickstarters

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I stay far away from Scout books.


Avengers 53 2nd print


Avengers #53 (2nd Ptg)

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Thanks for the heads up

Buy Scout to read. Some titles are just okay or decent reads.

You guys are reading these things!?

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I really enjoyed Frank at Home on the Farm by Scout, the 4th issue really ties it together well. By the Horns can be avoided, not sure how it got continued.

All variant covers from 35-36 were tagged as spoiler in the solicitations and were only revealed just a day or two before or after FOC. I guess for people who has yet to catch up reading it? :thinking:

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The spoiler variants arent revealed until release day
or close to it

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Oops. I stand corrected.

Why is the Zircher spoiler variant cover released then?

Edit: I see it’s not actually revealed on Penguin’s site but it is on some retailer sites so maybe it was leaked by the artist by mistake or something

I saw the cover from Marvel’s official site

I am wondering the spoiler is she is taking over the series.

Book comes out on Wednesday. Some retailers already have their orders
hence why some will reveal/spoil the cover.