Forgotten characters

What character are you meant to be

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What ever happened to Weapon H. I made some nice profit off that character. Juggerduck is awesome too. Actually, I think D.Cates named him The Unstoppable Juggerduck.

For those not familiar with this iconic character:


Oh yea that was cool. I remember Midtown had Hulkverines #1 signed by Greg Pak for cover price. Bought a bunch and made a bunch.

I wish Marshall Law would make a return.

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I actually enjoyed Weapon H. Sure, the concept was a bit hokey, but Marvel actually did a decent job developing Clayton as a character, family man, tortured soul. Maybe I’m partial since he’s a Marine lol.
I’d buy another series if they made it.


I hope Marvel does something with “Scout”
Howard the Duck Volume 6 Issue 4 :slight_smile:

I have seen lots of cosplayers doing it for passion and love for the character and character design too. I do think that cosplaying characters represent popularity to a certain extent, you hardly see the majority of cosplayers doing unpopular characters or ones with bad design.

That being said, Punchline is still relatively new, and she has been doing fantastic based on when she was released.