Great Cover Art

This should have been the cover A for MK: CotD #1

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Any Korn fans?


McFarlane has got to be the most homaged modern artist.


I think he may be. He has done some of the most iconic modern covers.

Including Korn covers

Gist is amazing and consistent.

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I thinka lot of it is nostalgia for mcfarlane, so many artists now grew up inspired by Todd no hate on him. But I also feel like some of the best artists right now, Dell Otto, Middleton, Brooks, Gist, I think is interesting no one tries to homage or bite them

Give it a few years. It’ll happen!

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I’m biased as I think Lilith is a cool character, but this pretty awesome!


Need the Virgin of this cover.

don’t worry, knowing Marvel it’ll be a 1:200 or something stupid

hey, you asked for it…

1:100 virgin variant

now just to find a place that is selling it for cover lol, unlike this spot

Only $250! What a bargain!

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Basic Instinct getting a comic series.


Interesting book to do, good cover though.

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Wonder Woman #1 Virgin Edition by Ariel Diaz

The small LCS by my house has Ariel Diaz come by frequently, took a screen shot to show her next time I run into her. Super nice person, she still supports that store since it was the first to host her.

too bad its attached to what not