Great Cover Art

Just put a winky smiley at the end when you’re being sarcastic or joking… that’s the meaning when I do them.

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No one thinks you are being sarcastic. They think you are flirting with them.


That’s just the dumb men (not even discounting myself, I’ve walked away thinking, man, that girl wanted me – when she actually was just being nice) out there that think every girl who’s nice and smiles at them think they’re flirting… heh!

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I very excited for Hello Darkness from Boom! Studios. It’s looking great so far, and throwing an ongoing SIKTC story in there is icing on the cake. Here’s a new variant cover for #1 that looks great.

This is by SubversiveGirl (I don’t know her real name!).

She has some really great art:


Rebeca Puebla

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I thought Sozomaika dropped comic art to focus on competitive dancing.

Or was that truly an April fools joke?

Had to be April fools.

I hadn’t seen any work after that post for several months…then there were a few covers only recently. Wasn’t sure.

I would buy the Hello Darkness cover without the flat blood.

I don’t do much for new superhero books, but I do love me some West Coast Avengers. Great cover to boot.


Ultron is a hero now? What?

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Hey, if we can can reprogram a T-500 to be nice… we can reprogram an Ultron… :wink:

At this rate, we’re going to train the Xenomorphs from the Alien movies to be cute pets!

Wait, that would be kinda cool.

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Wasn’t that what they were sort of trying to do in Alien Resurrection? But not as pets, sort of but killing pets… :wink:

Yeah, we don’t talk about the worst, “Alien,” movie in my house.

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I had a crush on Winona so I’m good with the movie… just mute and stare! :wink:

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