Sorry I have been quietly lately. I meant to come over and talk about this pretty obvious pump and dump but the holidays have made me lose track of time.

So, let me get this straight, a totally new store pops up selling a “premium” exclusive and it’s tied in to being promoted by a large speculation website and community with a vast potential buyer base and then it starts to show up on the same speculation website’s hot lists. And to top it off at least one of the writers is part owner of the new exclusive selling store?

And people do not suspect pumping and dumping?

How very odd. Uff dah, as we say around here, I am shocked.

I am going to get back into sports cards, any more comics seem to be one big headache.

Also, I am loving the talk about the TFAW conspiracy I have read. That cracks me up. I have bought variants from tfaw off the list posted weekly without being signed in (I was logged off due to inactivity but still able to access the variant lists). If you guys were going to do it secretly it would need to be more secret.

Anyway, happy holidays to all and to all a good night.


Plus the very obvious issue that they all seem to ignore: incentives sell fine on their own. Why would we sell them early on a site where we lose money on every sale.

I’ll be curious to see with this HR variant if it does maintain some heat or if it dies down once promotion of it stops. And if issue 2 is their next cover, will it still be hot even though it’s not a first?

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Are you reading the Department of Truth? Seems to me that this plays very much into it. If one person says something enough, and you get people to parrot it, then it becomes the truth.

Did anyone pick up the new Star Wars Insider (#199) this week? The Previews exclusive version features the High Republic characters on the cover. Some would call this their first appearance in print.

I pointed out that mag in the other high republic forum. I did not get a copy…forgot to order it. Now everywhere is sold out.

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I asked my comic shop to order me a copy of it a few weeks back. When I got to the store on Wed they said, “here’s your SW Insider” and it was #198. Ugh…

Ugh…now they are selling for $60…bleh.

Subscription cover in nice. I put in an order, although I don’t know I’d that’s the one I’ll get.

the px variant is only one with any spec, you can find regular cover at any barnes and noble or other magazine seller

Just buy a copy of Diamond Previews in physical form… Thats actual first print if they have the characters and or covers printed within… :wink:

Subscription covers are hit or miss. There are a few that sell in the $40+ range recently. Mando or Ahsoka related, of course.

theres a story in novel form, plus pages with text from the comics in the swi 199

But but… Previews was first… Its always first. You learn about comics to order from Previews… So its the ruler of all firsts… Muahahahahah

topher pumped that preview bs for years, finally one dumbass bought into it and bought that miles, than people followed

Star Wars Insider is a magazine… They’ll just print and print and print… Anyone who pays $60 for a copy is a moron…

You can buy these directly from Titans publisher/Printer… For $10 each: https://www.pubservice.com/backissue/subbi.aspx?PC=SW&AN=&Zp=&PK

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Oh… NM… It does say not available currently… But that could change.

Dammit…you gave away my secret.

Actually, I ordered 199 and 195 subscription variants…we’ll see if they come through.

The $10 covered shipping which was cool.

is sub variant the px one tho?

That’s odd…just put an order in for those two last night! Maybe I flagged something…

PX is previews exclusive which I think only comes through Diamond. They’re sold out…tried yesterday for my lcs to get a copy.

yea thats the only one i bought.