Yeah, I’d take anyone who claims such thing without any type of proof with a grain of salt.

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Let’s see if I get a response.

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What I don’t get is, if they could sell 600 sets at $80 with relative ease… why not drop the price to $50 for the set and sell 1500 sets at $50?

600 x $80 = $48k
1500 x $50 = $75k

Cause I’m pretty certain they would have had no problems selling sets at a slightly lower cost to overall make more profit in the outcome.

This is why I smell bullshit still…

Well, if they are holding copies back to sell later while still claiming a 600 copy limited supply that’s fraud and it’s being perpetrated through the United states mail across state lines. If it could be proven, that’s federal mail fraud, potentially wire fraud. So, there’s that.

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I’m not sure why everyone is so hung up on this variant. Who gives a shit? Everyone is debating the 3,000 print run…BUT, that is the stipulated MINIMUM print run size for store variants by Marvel. There is no maximum. I highly doubt anyone will get to the bottom of this, but if anyone is “trusting” the characters behind this variant, I think they have a not-so-nice surprise coming.


LIMITED does not mean PRINT RUN.

LIMITED = the number of copies the store is selling.

PRINT RUN = the total number of copies printed.

Store(s) can sell 600 copies. But the print run is 3,000+. ITS VERY MISLEADING ON PURPOSE TO GET YOU TO BUY THE BOOK. PUMP N DUMP.


One last observation from me regarding this topic; What an absolutely god awful, uncreative name for the site selling this. Comic book exclusive… seriously. Could you have put any less thought into that horrible, unimaginative handle. That would be like naming your restaurant ‘cooked food place’. :thinking:


Haha… I’m gonna open a restaurant and call it… “Really Great Restaurant” or maybe… “Eat Here, Good Food”

My original draft was ‘good food place’, but then I thought to myself, ‘I’d eat at a restaurant called Good Food Place’, so I had to come up with an alternative. Lol
PS. I’d totally eat at EHGF’s, @agentpoyo.

Well there is a chain restaurant around me called PDQ, which stands for people dedicated to quality…

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Destroying a comic just sounds terrible. A perfectly good comic purposely ripped to shreds or such makes my skin crawl. We need to treat our comics with love!


Cbsi confirmed today that they will be having another exclusive ‘in 2021’ on this website comicbookexclusives. I’m gonna go ahead and guess they do another The High Republic ‘store’ variant for issue #2.

Im not a big fan of store variants. Ive bought very few of them. I dont trust any site that says they are destroying x # of these to create a since of scarcity. Most of these store variants dont have better covers anyway, including this one.


Lol, this comic made the “variant watch” column of CBSI.

I remember that era of pump-up sneakers…


Sure enough. In the interest of being fair, and for archiving purposes:

(Begin excerpt from Matt DeVoe’s December 24, 2020 post)

I’m calling these out separately as I realize that both sets were promoted on this site. However, it’s impossible to do this article and not recognize that they have recently gone nuts:

(Mentions Wanted Comix HAHA #1 variant)

HIGH REPUBLIC #1 PAOLO VILLANELLI CLONE WARS HOMAGE VARIANTS - This set was sold from COMIC BOOK EXCLUSIVES .COM and cost $79.99 and just sold on e-Bay for $232.50!

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Of course it did

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Wow! They managed to sell one to another member of the site on eBay for $231?! Whoda thunk it would get bid up so high between contributors to the site?!

(Disclaimer: I have absolutely no proof this is what happened. It could have been just one very dumb person paying too much for a 3,000 print run store variant. I don’t want to be like other communities who baselessly accuse people of conspiracy without any proof. Just satiring here.)


That’s my go to spot.

Also love the new look Jclu.

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