His Ultimate Fallout 4 A Good Investement?

I was wronged by Best Buy too… all stories to be told over a beer though… I won’t set foot in a Best Buy, that’s how bad they wronged me. College though and if I had money and time, I could have made a nice suit and settlement out what they did to me and a few others on the same night.

My Dad served as well as my Grand Dad … To this day, I am glad I joined and would do it all over again … it taught me more in that time than anything else in life …

Someone just listed a CGC 9.8 Newsstand on eBay. $6,000 starting bid or best offer.

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Hey that’s mine! :slight_smile: We will see have to wait and see if it sells or not. I figured with the hype now’s the time to try to sell it. If the 1:25s are selling between 3-4K I might have a shot.


Certainly doesn’t hurt to try right?


Not sure of the print run but I can imagine there can’t be more than a few thousand of the newsstand version printed. I would think it should command the same price of the 1:25 in the same grade…at least.

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Yeah, it’s got to be low. I got lucky and worked at BnN at the time and bought most of my books as they came in. I witnessed piles upon piles of comics sent back to be recycled… Well, I’ve already had offers of 5K to 5500, so it’s a little above the 1:25 last sold. I wish it was noted on the CGC census, so I could see how many news stands are graded/9.8s.


I would think someone will at the very least bid the full 6k. Maybe more. You are about to see a very nice profit!

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Yeah…I know it is likely hard to let go…but I’d sell that bad boy while this hype is real and never regret it once…not for that kind of money. Gratz!


I would sell it as well. $5500 is a good price…

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That’s the plan. Thanks!

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That newsstand is so much rarer than the regular variant it’s not funny. There’s been a dozen or so listed in a year compared to hundreds of the variant.

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Yeah there’s a raw one up BIN for $9999… Doesn’t look like it’s a raw 9.8 that’s for sure.

It’s super hard to let it go… but I want to put the money towards an UXM 1 or AF 15.


From someone that has X-men #1 and is in the process of saving for an AF#15 smart move sir!


Take the money and run. I know I want an UF #4, but if my modern book was going for that price, I would sell it.


Sell it and buy a 9.8 direct AND Buy an AF 15!!

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I definitely would’ve taken the $5500 offer. I think UF4 has plateaued and dropped a bit. I think you could get even more with the next announcement though. I get crap from some people about modern newsstands but a $5500 offer justifies it for me. Can’t wait for Amadeus Cho to pick up so I can get some dough for this. Print run was much less than 20k. Only newsstand I’ve seen of it.


@ToddW Very good book. I believe very firmly that we will see him sooner rather than later.
The kicker (and let the teasing commence)…Amadeus Cho was referenced multiple times on the Tv show “This is Us” in the last 2 years.
If writers on the #1 show in the US know to use him/his name…others do too.

Cho is starting to catch the heat wave. You may not have to wait that long, @ToddW.