His Ultimate Fallout 4 A Good Investement?

Yep but if they use him as Totally Awesome Hulk that will make people gravitate towards TAH#1 but I’m sure this will still move as well if that where to happen.

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Totally Awesome Hulk sucked though… I even told Pak at a signing that I’ll be back when Banner is back… He just smiled… :wink:

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Planning on it. Fortunately I have a direct 9.8 already. Makes it a little easier to let go of.

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This has become such a gamble. Best offer now is $6500… but no actual bids yet, so who knows if it’ll jump at the last minute or not… ugh…


How much do you have invested in it? You said you had bought it while working at B&N, right? So submission fees, shipping. You’re going to make out like a bandit.

Yeah. Exactly that, probably like $40 total. It was on-site grading at BCC.


Did it sell for $8,100? Congratulations, I’m so beyond jealous.

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Had a feeling the bidding would go well beyond 6k! Congrats! On your way to a nice AF #15!

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Wow. Awesome sale. You aren’t too terribly far from me. I don’t know any shops out there so if you have any recommendations.

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What area are you in? I’ve got a few good spots in Baltimore/Harford County. Some are south east Pasadena as well.

Pasadena isn’t far at all. I am in AA county. saw

Shazam Comics and Toys is down there. Bought books from them through FB. Also Second Chance Toys found some gems in their comics boxes but I’m not sure how often they get books in as they are mainly toys. There are some others too I’m sure but off the top of my head. Fudd’s Rabbit Hole (not sure if its still there) was a terrible experience when I went a couple years ago. Dude was smoking in his comic store and all the books stunk!

Ha, that last one must have been a time travel moment back to the 80’s! Now if only he had a VHS copy of Back to the Future on the 20" tube TV with Love and Rockets playing in the background…

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Fudd passed away in October of last year, massive stroke. I got a copy of TMNT 3 from Shazam. Mike Kremer I think his name is. Good guy. Small shop but lots of back issues. Second chance toys is right around the corner from my office. Need to check it out.

I thought I heard something like that about Fudd. Cool if you make it up towards north-east baltimore my favorite honey pot is there. It’s always a battle but have found so many gems over the years in the 3 for $1 boxes. They buy so many collections and shove them into the $1 boxes after a few days of “ask for price.” Back in Feb. Iron Man 7 + 9, Sentry 1, Blue Adam 1… Last summer a Batman 251… just a couple of the amazing finds.

What is that one? May have to go up that way.

Ahhh… but then that adds another eagle eyed hunter to the mix… lol. Collector’s Corner in Parkville by far my favorite comic shop. When new collections come in he doesn’t always price fast, so it’s a bit of a “can you price this stack for me”. Which sometimes works out other times not so much… but then after the vultures and the “hot books” are grabbed he waits a few days and puts them all in the $1 bins. They are unsorted so it’s a time consuming adventure but usually well worth the effort as those first guys are either hunting specific things or don’t always know everything. (not that I do either, but they do miss some great books… like all the time, lol)

He also has sales every couple weekends. Check the facebook page it can be 40-50% off priced back issue not dated in 30 days and sometimes it’s 14 days.

Yeah. I have hit all three locations, well I guess down town is closed down now. But yeah, the back issues take a lot of digging. Have you been to Capt. Chuck’s in Essex?

Nice. Yeah, I’ve been shopping with Randy and CC for the past twelve years. I’ve been to Chucks once or twice and dug through the convention bins. There’s also KCs comics inbetween the Parkville and Bel Air Collector’s Corner, which can be hit or miss. The main good thing about KCs is everything is in its place or mostly and in order.