House Of Slaughter #1

Because I already have a Thor 169, I didn’t have a single copy of House of Slaughter. I’ve been skipping boom #1s and just buying their limited exclusives, I’ve moved them all but EVE.

Because they are easy, immediate flips. How long is it going to take for Thor 169 to double or triple in price, especially raw?

There are 500 and 200 of these covers, respectively. On a book with a 500k+ print run. Where are you getting a decent copy of Thor 169 for $75 by the way? She bought 3 copies, not one. 3 copies of this book are a better investment than one Thor 169. Full Stop. That’s probably why she chose that option.

This also isn’t aftermarket pricing. This is the MSRP, sticker, cover price for this book offered by this publisher. Buying one for $200 on ebay would be paying after market price. She gets to sell them for $200 instead.

Here we go…


It’s not greedy that’s how I buy things in 3x when possible been saying it for years. Even when I’m not selling I buy 3x of comics I believe in.


Also Thor 169 isn’t first meeting of Thor and Galactus anyways.:joy: #168 is and one could argue #160 is as well but they’re both in Space ships across from each other in #160.

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Do you know why she did it? It certainly doesn’t sound like it.

Why do you feel the need to say things like mansplaining and white knight? You do know I was explaining something INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS to YOU right?

Who in the entire flipping multiverse cares if you have 3 copies of Thor 169 and why do you need 3 of them??? Thanks for preventing two other people from finding those and enjoying a little cash by being greedy yourself.

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It’s different when the book is older. It only matters when it is new and purchased online :rofl:

Goddammit… Boom Exclusives have all been 1 per customer lately so I just assumed it this time… definitely would have gotten another one of the 200 copy.

How old is Aaron supposed to be? I thought he was like 20s but in the book it flashes back 15 years

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I can not say no to a nice sparkly foil cover.

You have raccoon in your blood? :stuck_out_tongue:

Skybound Halloween Expo. They dropped a few graded book options today. Apparently, they have a House of Slaughter exclusive, which I don’t fully understand, but whatever.

$75 with free shipping



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So a publisher of Image titles is selling a store exclusive for a Boom title. Big Clutch you have no shame


Issue 1 was pretty damn good

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I grabbed the HOS #2 1:25. This was listed as a $4.99 foil book. But, the version I have is decidedly NOT foil and has a $3.99 price tag.

But, it is the virgin cover.

Did Boom decide to change their minds on the price and foil, or do I have some strange error book?

I believe there was an error. I can’t remember where I saw but I think it was listed as a foil despite it not or something

I’m not seeing any foils anywhere. Well, that stinks.

Reminds me of the HoS #1 2nd ptg foil. The foil is the book title only as claimed by some in fb posts.

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A series that IMO has had some pretty meh A covers (and far better 2nd print covers) finally hits a good one with issue #9A.

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