I Like What I'm Reading (not spec'ing, but like actually reading)!

My wife and I both read It Eats What Feeds It last night and thought it was pretty good. Definitely worth a read!

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Yeah, that was a great mini-series. Nothing ground breaking but definitely entertaining.

These are all great suggestions! You guys (in the generic usage of the term) are the best.

So, now that I’ve turned in my Jan pre-orders, I’m checking out February because, well, I’m slightly obsessive? Here’s some interesting potential indie reads:

Deep Beyond #1 (of 12) — Image. DEC200032. Doesn’t seem like anything new in the Sci-Fi genre. Shades of Andromeda Strain and Undiscovered Country and Arthur C Clarke and Event Horizon and and and you get the idea. But hey, this is the kind of story I read, so I’m game.

Mapmaker #1 — Scoot! Imprint. DEC201664. Any map the “mapmaker” makes comes to life. Looks silly and fun. And I like the art on the cover (the cover collage itself is whatever, I just like the style).

Luna #1 (of 5) — Boom! DEC200996. Art looks cool, based on the cover. Not sure on the story; at least, not sure that it’s something I am interested in. 60’s + a cult + some witchcraft + family drama.

Minerva’s Map: Key to a Perfect Apocalypse #1 — New Friday. DEC201548. Indiana Jones meets the new Netflix Carmen Sandiego meets the bad guys from Seven Secrets? Or something like that. Looks like a format like Lazarus Risen with thick issues. Could be a cool story.

Paranormal Hitmen #1 — Behemoth Comics. DEC201311. “Sopranos meets Ghostbusters” Uh, okay, that’s sounds great, actually. Looks in the style of Vice City or Jackie Brown.

Radiant Black #1 — Image. DEC200009. Dude gets super powers by accident, group who was supposed to have those powers/control of those powers wants them back. Feels like a Marvel story… Captain America is a scrub before the super serum, Peter Parker is same, etc.

Two Moons #1 — Image. DEC200044. Period horror piece set in during the Civil War starring a Pawnee soldier who discovers a hidden ghost world around him… as if the horrors of the Civil War weren’t enough…


I’ve enjoyed the current Doctor Doom run.

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It was great! Bummer it’s canceled.

Totally agreed! I can’t recall which issue will be the last, but I’ve read through issue 9.

I think we are getting one more issue and then an epilogue of sorts with a King in Black tie-in one-shot featuring Doom and Iron Man.

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I hope they can tie some sort of an ending together!

Now that DCBS has shifted to December Previews for orders, I have found a couple of additional books of interest (to me anyway, ymmv):

Black Cotton #1 (of 6) – Scout. DEC201650. B/W comic (the creators discuss going greyscale as a conscious choice given the subject material) set in an alternate reality where the social order based on skin color is reversed. Nice interview with the creators: https://monkeysfightingrobots.co/interview-new-scout-comics-series-black-cotton/. Very topical, very ‘this moment in time’ and although that makes me want to say that maybe it won’t age well, um, social commentary on this particular topic will sadly continue to be relevant (and has been my entire 40+ year life).

Grubbs #1 – Keenspot Entertainment. DEC201530. Calvin and Hobbes + Dennis the Menace. Draw by someone who clearly hopes to evoke C & H nostalgia. For kids, but doing the Disney thing where you appeal to the parents too. I dunno; Hobbes and Bacon was about as far off the originals that I get without just wanting to go back to the source.

Shadow Doctor #1 – Aftershock. DEC201127 (this might be the variant though, I couldn’t find the A cover). Based on a true story of the author’s grandfather who graduated medical school in the prohibition era and couldn’t find a job because he was Black. So he started working for the Chicago Mob. Semi-biographical period piece. Link to short article

I saw the Black Cotton announcement and solicitation. I feel like it could be really clever or fail miserably. I’ll be reading to see!

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I’m definitely hoping for more “Man in the High Castle” alt-history than, say, J-Roc shooting video with the “negative art” button pressed. [that’s a shout out to the Trailer Park Boys if you don’t get the latter reference]

Can anyone tell me anything about this book?

I can’t help but be interested… Maybe it’s a good read?

Do people actually buy those to read or for the Skinemax type covers and artwork?

Dude… Captain Paddywack as himself in that one. If it were $2-3 I’d totally be in.

Tarot is a surprisingly well loved book. Jim Balent and his wife Holly Golightly have worked on it for a long time. While there is a lot of nudity in it, women are drawn to the book because of its female empowerment message. Lots of witchcraft (earth based not satanic). The cover is a photo of Holly who for her age still looks great, but when she was young was extremely hot.

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See… This is awesome information. Now I am totally tempted…

Yes. I have read every issue since #1. Jim is a great guy and Holly and I are friends on Facebook. He left Catwoman and did this. Loved Jim’s Catwoman

The early issues go for great money too.

Everyone, do not buy copies of this from @Anthony if he’s ever selling them… you all know for sure they’re “bathroom” copies… :wink:

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I like, “Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose” enough I sought out and bought a copy of the first issue to keep in my collection. It’s a fun read. As @Anthony observed it has a surprisingly solid female readership too and lots of Wicca stuff.

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