I Like What You Got! (New Comic Day Pickups)

3rd time in the past few months a book I pre-ordered pre FOC didn’t make my pull list…and found it on the shelf.

I’m trying to give them business, but I’m finding I can’t depend on them for single issues.

This week I picked up ASM 22 cover A.

Wanted Joe Fixit 3 EM Gist cover, but shops didn’t order it and I missed it pre-FOC. So I’ll have to find it online. NM copies Sold out at Midtown and MCS.

I did order the DCeased Purple Rain homage online.

Quiet week overall.

Anyone else get anything good?


Beware the following issues are rumored to be the latest victims of crappy marvel paper this week:

Captain Britain #2
Iron Man #4
Planet Hulk #5
Sabretooth #5
Thor #32

Possible manufacturing defect on some of the Indigo Children books this week.

Check the back before purchasing.

Saw this in 1 of 3 shelf copies today.

Was hoping to snag the one per store Devils Cut. Neither shop ordered copies.

Anyone else get anything good?

It’s not a 1-per-store…

I am a bit underwhelmed with Devil’s Cut. A couple stories were mildly interesting. Most weren’t. To be fair, it’s hard to sell a story when they have like 6 pages max to do it.

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Same. I just dont give a ■■■■ about this book. It’s all FOMO hype.

Though…I might pick up some copies when Midtown blows them out for 60-70% off…

What gets me is that there are two SDCC 2023 con exclusive versions that were sold in July. This one just came out; it’s not the first print or first to be sold. I know other companies have sold con exclusives before the planned release of a book, but I’m not a fan of it.

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I’m 100% ok with DSTLRY. Hell, any new publisher that can push Marvel to step up their weak game is a good thing. I like that DSTLRY plans to try new things, but they don’t feel so gimmicky like the Bad Idea nonsense.

Devil’s Cut is a nice product. It’s a bigger book in page count and size. High quality paper. And, it’s nearly all story. $10 seems more reasonable here. Marvel is now charging $10 for their double issues, which still has the same low grade paper and 35% ads.

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I picked up a Devil’s Cut issue at my comic shop to check the stories out and the larger magazine-style size does grab one’s attention. I plan to give it a read.

I have more books on order, but this is what I grabbed off the shelf today. Disappointed they put an advertisement across the top of spider-boy #1…wtf?

Some free-bees. I think the Gotham By Gaslight new edition comes out next week (?) and this is a promotional copy (one per store?).


80’s nostalgia… you should love it!

I’d rather win a new bike like with Rogue’s first appearance!


Not a new book, but just happened to quickly flip through a dollar bin box.

Didn’t have the heart to take it for a dollar, so I just told them it was on the shelf and paid cover. :grin:



Technically these came out last week, but I opened them up today.


I’m a bit behind.





Is Dr Doom riding an armored T-Rex shooting a laser Out of its mouth?! I like the throwback silver surfer cover as well. Reminds me of my younger days.

And all Doctor Evil wanted was sharks :shark: with laser beams on their foreheads.


Yes. They discovered the Dinoverse…a universe where villains and superheroes have dinosaur equivalents!

I was going to post something about it in the spoilers, but I’m not sure if they appeared in issue 12. It’s a cool book nonetheless.

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Well damn, I’m into that. Take my money, now!