Identity of God of Light

I blurred the spoiler in case anyone doesn’t want to know yet. People can still click it to see but don’t have to be forced to if the don’t want to.

I know you know they were up. Lol. That was for everyone else.


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I haven’t read all the black surfer books, but are we 100% sure the fallen one from Thanos 15 and the surfer from Silver Sirfer: Black/ Thor are one and the same?

Other than the physical resemblance (and that Cates is writing/his creation) has there been undeniable proof or an absolute connection.

Where did he get Thor’s hammer seen in Cates Thanos run?

Just curious if I missed it.

One is from the beginning of time, the other is from the end of time. I don’t think it was ever confirmed to be the same person

Another tidbit most people probably forget is the surfer from surfer black got time displaced and ended up merging with sentry during the last annihilation series (which overall was a terrible series, but that was possibly the only decent part).

I think The Fallen One is the Silver Surfer Black but we must consider the timeline. Silver Surfer started transforming into Silver Surfer Black when he first battled Knull and almost got transformed into the Void Knight. He eventually managed to get a win against Knull, but he did not really kill him. Then, before the black symbiote completely took over him, he sacrificed himself, and his scattered atoms brought life to all the planets he helped destroy with Galactus. Then he’s reborn as the Silver Surfer Black, but the timeline is not really clear. Seems like he is reborn immediately after he falls into the temporal rift from the beginning of issue 1.

From what I understand, all this happens way before the events presented in Thanos Wins where The Fallen One appears with Thor’s hammer. Also, that timeline was erased by Thanos himself. So the Fallen One is what Silver Surfer Black would have become towards the end of time, but right now, in the KIB timeline, he is Silver Surfer Black.

Also, I don’t believe that SSB is The God of Light. And that merging with Sentry is very brief, lasts until Annihilation - Scourge Omega, just one issue away from Annihilation Scourge: Silver Surfer. Maybe they merge again later when the Thunderbolts do something to Sentry’s corpse ?


Annihilation: Scourge - Silver Surfer #1 for those wondering. There is cover A and B.

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Forgive my ignorance, but did we ever get more insight into those big guard fellas we saw at the beginning of Silver Surfer Black? They seemed like bad asses lol.

In previous Marvel storylines, Annihilation: Scourge – Silver Surfer #1, the Silver Surfer and the Sentry merged to defeat The Void and his legion. And this was set after The Silver Surfer’s battle with Knull in Silver Surfer: Black.

so the Fallen One is maybe realy Silver Sentry Surfer Black as God of Light?

For me the Head und the Body looks somehow merged and not in shape.

Whatever happens in King in Black Thunderbolts 3 but it looks like Sentry will make a explosive Comeback.

Did we read the same book? I just finished it and assuming that my english is on point, the identity has not yet been revealed.

It’s not the surfer… :thinking:

The narrator is the surfer, right? And the narrator clearly states that the god of light cannot break through the darkness, but that he (he being the narrator/surfer) can…

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Sorry for my ignorance as I’m not reading KIB, but what’s with the crows?


Hugin and Munin? (Thor #274)

Hugin and Munin. Odin’s crows but now Thor’s. Nothing new at all

After reading the entire issue, the fallen one isn’t the God of light. He specifically says that knulls dome still stands and “it can’t break through… but I can”. And then he is on the last splash page. So the god of light is still out there. And hasn’t shown himself yet. So it may still be something to do with the sentry. Maybe


Thanks man… this.

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It’s be nice if this “god of light” just ends up being an entirely new character… instead of the regurgitation of existing characters just changing titles with maybe some powers involved…


It’s going to be Luxo Jr and they’re working the Pixar universe into the Marvel Universe.

Oh cmoon its the power of one million exploding suns, if thats not a god of light then nothing is… I think he will find out what knull is done and unlock the potential or sacrifice himself

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If the void is removed (which knull did) then Bob can go all out. He never did because he feared the void, and the consequences that came with it

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