Jonathan majors arrested in nyc for assaulting woman

You bring excitement to the relationship. That and and an extensive knowledge of great books.

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How did you meet someone shackled up in @Anthony’s basement

Is her name “Wilson”


maybe I don’t want to know


Wilson is a her? What time of the month was that photo taken?

The texts they posted to “show his innocence” actively makes him look worse

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stockholm syndrome

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Looks like the man out to get another black man.


:hiking_boot: :boom:

One more day and he makes it further than Johnny Depp did with Disney after Amber Heard.

Difference is that Pirates was basically a depleted franchise and Kang is just getting started in the MCU. They would habe to re tool a LOT and it was cost them a bunch to do so.

The “texts” sounded and looked too carefully composed to be sincere from the girl’s end hmmm

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weird vibe from them

“I told them everything you told me to say! I promise I did!”

Weren’t there witnesses?

So she hurt herself enough to need a hospital visit?

Even my career English Proff, 80 year old parents don’t text with diatribes like that.

Agree with the “carefully constructed texts” points above.

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‘‘I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone’’

Yikes. Has a real strong “I fell down the stairs/into a doorknob” vibe.

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People today seem too heavily invested in other peoples personal lives, especially famous people and celebrities. I think that’s a real problem in the current state of affairs. If it doesn’t impact you directly, perhaps focus on something else that’s good in the world rather than the misfortune of others. Or maybe redirect your focus on other real world causes where people are actually suffering.


people are invested in books

actor gets fired, the 1st appearance of that character goes :arrow_down: :money_with_wings:

" “actor” committed a crime. dont care as long as the value of this book stays up" - mentality


That’s kind of another problem I see. Actor(s) is just a paid job. Don’t tie the paid person to the book. Their personal affairs has zero ties to the make belief character in a book. :wink:

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I guess he is really done for. Before this, he was almost everywhere in films, ads, and tv. Damn.

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“Deadline hears there’s been zero conversations in the Marvel camp to drop Majors from the MCU.”