Justice League Endless Winter Preview in this Week's Releases

There will be a 9 page preview of the next DC Comics event, Endless Winter in this week’s releases. Not being a fan of Batman Justice League Dark Nights Adventure Metal Batman Who Death Metaled the Crow King Boy Wonder-Stravaganza or whatever Snyder calls it, I’m looking forward to a straight-forward event.

Do we know specifically what titles have the preview in it?

I’ve already read a retailer advance pdf copy of #1.
No spec.
Art is terrible.


I mean, this is the only reason I’ll be reading it. Come on DC/AT cross-over!

Teen Titans 47, Catwoman 27, Nightwing 76, Batman 103, Dark Nights Death Metal 5, Rorschach 2. Looks like all the non-prestige format titles.

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