Kickstarters That You're Watching/Backing

I’ll probably hop on if they have an add-on for limited comic covers

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I think everyone knew this was coming at some point. The GI Joe one was excellent for what it is worth.


I wasn’t a huge GI Joe fan but that Kickstarter kicked a$$!

I’m a bigger Transformer fan so I’ll be in on this one too

Damn it!! I knew it was coming eventually…just not this quick…time to sign -up, bastards!!

Should be an absurd ton of freebies. Transformers is much more popular than Gijoe and especially globally. This kickstarter will be a massive success, can’t wait to see what the stretch goal rewards will be.


I have all the US and Uk issues scanned on disc. But this might be something I may have to have.

It may also start interest in the original UK issues…which I’m having a tough time finding in decent condition. So far all my copies I’ve had to get shipped from the UK, which is not cheap.

Many are subscription copies, which apparently the post wrote the address or the person’s name on the front or back of the comic in order to deliver it. Which is why so many of uk comics have writing on the covers….

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If you’re into Flops covers, he’s doing one for this Kickstarter. He also has another cover as an add-on for Camilla Unbound 1973. Some of the covers for this are pretty sweet.
Also if you’re into Suspiria Vilchez, she’s also doing a cover for another Kickstarter.


Arggghhh… and thank you.
I’ve been having GREAT luck with FLOPS Flips… lol.

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At some point Kickstarter became the place for racy comics. I’m not mad at it.


Suspiria Vilchez doing another kickstarer for JabberJaw. She has nice and naughty covers.

I’m disappointed because I saw, “Jabberjaw,” and thought we’d get sexy shark drawings of the classic character!


I thought the same thing. I know they did a sexy spoof of Scooby doo so I figured it was a sexy Jabberjaw spoof

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God, Tony, are we old?

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Jabber Jabber Jabber Jabber Jabber Jaw!

Old or weird. We are talking about sexy Jabberjaw. And maybe some sexy Speed Buggy

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No respect!

Funny as you mention, im packing this up to my presser for grading. Not a common find in high grade


@Bill stupid sexy Speed Buggy.


Shaggy got around, huh?

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Shoes for your sexy flanders

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