Last of Us gets series order from HBO

I really want to like it but there’s been a few good moments thus far in the series but I was honestly expecting more. I’ve never read the books and played about a half hour of the first game.

I love Nick Offerman so that’s probably my favorite episode. I don’t understand how the group of survivors were able to escape from the city while everyone else was annihilated.

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Which group of survivors? Those who managed to isolate and put up borders?

The two main characters, the deaf kid and the young man looking after him. They all escaped while everyone else was taken out. You know when they all came from underground and the big guy came out and literally ripped people apart.

the infected followed the big noisy group in trucks and full autos, allowing small 4 person group to sneak away on foot

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I also only played the game for an hour or so when it came out. Just couldn’t get into it. Then i got the ps5 version for Christmas and told myself i had to finish it before the show released. I’m so glad i did. They have done an amazing job bringing it to TV. Yes they change things like always, but these changes are great changes.

Plus my wife loves the show. So it gives us something to watch together every week.


Same. It’s nice to be able to share geek culture with my wife who usually has no interest.


Mine keeps asking what happens. And i play dumb. Finally i broke down and said “well you never want to know anything about “nerdy” stuff as you call it”. And i gave her the answer and basically spoiled it. But she does have some good questions sometimes.

And if you aren’t listening to the pod cast for the episode, you are definitely missing out. I highly recommend it, and they don’t spoil anything at all. It’s only about that episode and possibly some things that happened the previous episodes.

coming this summer…


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