Lcsd 2022


Readily interested in Cullen Bunn’s new series. Will pick that up and maybe ASM for Gold Goblin.


Can never go wrong on a Bunn book.

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Going to grab the spiders for sure. I’ll give bunn a spin

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been thinking last lcbd that maintained any value


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Killadelphia 1 LCSD


LCSD stuff isn’t always hot, but it can be fun.

first couple of LCSD books coming up for pre-order

LCSD 2022 Walking Dead Deluxe #50
LCSD 2022 Kroma by De Felici #1 (of 4) First issue is a hell of a read and has a twist end.
LCSD 2022 Behold Behemoth #1 (of 5) (Cover G - Gatefold Variant)

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A few covers for books listed above:
Amazing Spidey 13 LCSD

Spiderman 2 LCSD

Walking Dead 50 LCSD Foil

Kroma 1 LCSD

Behold, Behemoth 1 LCSD

■■■■ this Place 1 LCSD

i grabbed a few kroma, looks interesting

I ordered some Behold Behemoth. TFAW had a price mistake.

Kroma is a great story.

Cool in the Grim.

But why TMNT #3 (vice #1 or some other book)? What’s significant about that issue? I’ve heard no buzz.

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It is a random issue for sure.

Bummer about the cover art for Grim. I was hoping they’d do something cool for this, but it looks like it’s just going to be this cover again, but foil now. Lazy. and Cheap.

I’ve noticed a lot of the boom covers are lazy… look at SIKTC and other titles where it’s just the same old cover slightly modified or foil, etc. It’s utter crap and why I would never pay over cover price for their ratios…

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