Pay your balance within 60 days. Usually they offer a discount if paid X days before 60.
Thank you.
I pay when the ship out my items. This reminds me I have to get all my Star Wars stuff listed in August.
To be honest, depending on the discount they offer, I will probably pay in those terms to get an extra 1 or 2% off.
Yes, PRH it is. Any guesses who next? DC?
I was just about to post this news myself…
Bye Bye Diamond!
Makes me happy because managing 3 vendors is a pain in the arse!
What I really think is a stretch is this line in bold:
A Letter to Retailers from Geppi Family Enterprises Chairman Steve Geppi
Dear Diamond Customer:As IDW Publishing announced today, effective June 1, 2022, Diamond will act as a wholesaler to the direct market for IDW comics, trades, and graphic novels. We are working through details, including reviewing discount terms, and will communicate any changes well in advance.
Rest assured, Diamond remains your one-stop-shop for IDW comics, trades, and graphic novels as well as your largest single-source for comics, games, collectibles, and hundreds of other amazing pop-culture products each month.
Diamond has always been highly focused on the specialized needs of comic retailers, and we continue to invest in your success. We look forward to seeing you at our Virtual Retailer Summit September 26 & 27 as this is a fantastic opportunity to connect with your fellow retailers, learn more about the tools Diamond has created to help grow your business, and hear new product announcements from multiple publishers, including IDW.
We are devoted to serving your needs each and every day and I thank you for your continued trust and support.
Why would anyone stick with Diamond when all these publishers are leaving when they’re not the actual distributor of said publisher anymore… is beyond me!
They are just trying to instill confidence so their customers don’t bail…which I imagine some will stay because people don’t like change. The ones who will win out will be the ones who change and get the better discounts and perks.
Yup. Change is good. Everyone should embrace change from time to time…
…and better shipping.
This is what I’m hoping for. I’m not sure about you guys, but I view FedEx as one of the leaders in shipping, and then UPS is like an extension of USPS, they are always disregarding package warnings (this side up) etc, and then USPS is the worst of course.
Lunar uses FedEx, I’m not sure what PRH will be using (assume FedEx), and then Diamond uses UPS. I have swapped all my shipping to FedEx minus the single comics…Fedex just doesn’t have a competitive rate/packaging compared to USPS. So cheap single comics all go that route.
I knew a guy who worked at UPS loading trucks long ago. He said if they saw “FRAGILE” on the box, they threw it around extra hard and made sure to mistreat the package. UPS is the worst. USPS sheer volume of mail they handle is likely part of their problem and now since it’s just not a “respected” job like it once was as they hire contractors to deliver mail and such, they just don’t care as much since they’re likely not getting all the benefits like they once did. USPS saw all their issues arise around the mid 2000s when Congress royally F’d them over…
I don’t know if it is exclusive to Mercari or not, but FedEx has a $7.99 option that you can use for up to 11lbs. It is called FedEx Smartpost.
If I’m not mistaken, I think smartpost gets handed off to USPS though…
FedEx SmartPost, which is similar to UPS SurePost, is a hybrid shipping service with which FedEx will pick up packages from the shipping destination, and then hand the packages off to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) for the final delivery to the end customer.
Alright, @agentpoyo let’s keep this on topic and not political. Otherwise I’ll have to sic @davidbitterbaum on you with the moderator stick!
Seriously, guys, stop the politics! Sheez
I should whip you with my moderator stick for not reading my previews picks…
It will be like Marvel. You can still get Marvel from Diamond, but its a much worse discount.