This all day. Also my inner thoughts when I see some retailers (you all can guess) that could clearly be taking notes from DCBS/Lunar.
I’ll take my lashes for linking BleedingStool, but here’s a quick rundown of major players and their damages, lost goods, and other Penguin headaches:
Awesome! I feel like I’m not so bad off now.
Schadenfreude at its finest!
There is a lot of negative stuff out there about PRH’s shipping right now, so I’m gonna throw out some positives:
- User interface is getting better every time I log in, they work on it weekly, I am assuming getting feedback from the community
- Claims reporting was very simple, had the photo of the books you ordered and invoice they were associated with - Credit IMMEDIATELY applied (I’m talking within seconds I got an email)
- They ship much sooner than Diamond, so more time to go through damages and get ready for the week
People like to get all hyped up about stuff so I just want to give ya’ll the facts of what we are seeing with our little shop here. PRH, even though given their huge missteps early on, I’m hoping will sort it all out. If they focus on their shipping as much as they do their business interface, they will be just fine.
Oh, I’m sure they will. Even big companies can experience growing pains on new acquisitions and products they didn’t really mingle with previously.
2 weeks in a row and still tons of damages…I really hope they get there act together.
No wonder there is a paper shortage…
I’m scared to open my boxes…
Looks like a 1970’s collection someone found in a basement after years and years of humidity
I saw a YouTube video of an LCS opening their PRH boxes. And each box had a slip with a “Packed by (Name)” on it with a short survey on how it was packaged. Isn’t the problem the ‘standard’ way PRH are shipping the comics with no real protection? That would be a bummer for their workers getting complaints about damages to books when it’s their process that’s flawed.
Classic blame the person instead of the process the person is placed into.
Sorry to hear of the damages to the packages from PRH.
From a speculator’s perspective, it just makes that mint comic book more valuable.
Another point that I am not sure was discussed is Marvel’s moving of FOC from three weeks in advance, to four. Given that retailers have one week less of rack sales on say issue #1 to judge before your FOC was due on issue #2 (effectively ordering issue #2 blind), it does also spell more instances in which the retailers would underorder and thereby inflating prices of the affected comic books.
man my LCS showed how PEnguin packages the boxes, all you need to do is toss or bump them and they get messed up… smh
My LCS said he’s switching back to Diamond. He lost money for two weeks end on end because of Penguin.
He’s betting that Diamond can still do better because they’ll get hundreds of pallets from Penguin, insulating the retailer from damages through sheer numbers, then receiving the same percent of damages he used to from Diamond. The devil you know, right?
I was wondering how this was going to affect shops. As bad as diamonds shipping was, it’s nothing compared to this.
Man o man - that is an ugly sight
I think another issue is people working within the supply chain are just tired and don’t care. People are working crazy hours…I’ve seen more damages in the last month than the previous year just in my shipments.
I’ve never heard anyone say… “When I grow up… I wanna work on a loading dock packing up trucks with boxes.”