Marvel "SNAP" Game

my god this game is addictive.


It truly is. You just wanna play one more quick round and then 2 hours have passed.


I actually put together just a good ole, plan and simple, mostly no ability deck to have fun. It certainly can’t hold up against strong tier 3 decks, but it actually does pretty decent.

Sometimes, decks are so involved and reliant on getting the right cards/combos, that a deck that just simply puts points on the board and can always play a card does ok too. One of the things I like about the game.

I’ve yet to run into the location while playing it “cards with no abilities get +” that will be a hoot when I do.

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I’m not playing, "Right, probably because I like to assemble decks that are simply fun too. I also like to assemble decks with characters I like regardless of how well their abilities synergize. I have some decks that are arguably “Good,” I play too, which win more and have combos, but I play the fun ones plenty too.


This game is trash filled with hackers dropping multiple 6 drops on turn 5 and turn 6. I had one guy with 3 cards in hand play 2 6 drops on turn 5 no extra energy for the turn no 0 cost 6 drop from a land. Next turn plays 4 6 drops on turn 6 with only 2 cards in hand and no way to account for 24 energy used on turn 6.

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I had something similar Alana. Person played multiple 4 and 5 before round 4. Then 5 and 6 it was all 6 level cards. And his card’s were nice and leveled up. You can buy specific boosters, and you can only buy credits and gold. So how did he have multiple cards boosted up? I could see one or two, but literally every card. He didnt ever play anything less than a level 4 card.

I don’t think I have met any cheaters. I just basically suck half the time and lose.

At lvl 70 and above 1/3 are all hackers and cheaters the other 2/3 are all playing the same deck and might as well be a coin flip he gets the best draw so extremely hard to move up in event lvl.

It’s funny you mention this as today was the first time I encountered this stuff as well. Games where the player was dropping multiple 6 cost cards etc.

That’s a shame… hopefully they can reign it in…if not… deal breaker and it will either on the vine.

I don’t even think reporting them will do anything. But i do report them

I’ll admit, I didn’t know this character or what comic he was associated with when I saw it in game…


Playing a -8 Hobgoblin in Shuri’s Lab to hit the opponent for -16 is my new favorite way to screw over people and win without any other card there


The other day someone played a Hobgoblin on me. I threw down Odin on the next turn and it triggered him to go back to the person who played him. They were quite surprised, I think.


Hobgoblin is so much fun.

It’s hilarious what you can get up to with it.

I’ve gotten burned with a Hobgoblin though. Someone fills up there side unexpectedly and I’m stuck with it.
It’s also good carnage fodder if they have one.

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In case you haven’t logged or updated recently, they just released a cool update that essentially gives you an opportunity to wait for/and buy a card you really want utilizing “tokens”. The mechanic is actually pretty cool. If you have played at all in the past, you will automatically get enough tokens to review the offerings (which rotates a card you don’t have about three times a day).

Anyway, check it out if you haven’t.


The apocalypse bundle is essentially $100 if you have to buy the gold. Bit excessive

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Agreed…I still really enjoy the game, but have continued to avoid paying a dime other than the first season bundle which I felt was fair given my enjoyment of the game.

I can’t see paying money for variants and such. I’m now over 1k collection level just from missions and free stuff.

The devs said you will unlock everything by just playing. The pay to play players will just have an advantage for the moment. If i pay for anything, it is the season. I still havent purchaed black panther.

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