MCU Phase 4 - 5 Perplexed Spec Trek

Ok I was gonna ask, is this MCU? It would seem too much if it was but this is interesting

Yeah no way marvel was gonna announce all these projects today lol

Some of these could be Disney+ shows…

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The Hercules title filing is mis-spelt - somebody should quickly trademark Rise of the Gods and try to sell it back to them…


Avengers timeless eh? Miss minutes variant :rocket::rocket:

Told you all Avengers Academy would get the movie or show before Strange Academy.

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I dont remember, but I’ll take your word for it :blush: :+1:

And does this mean that there will be different Captain America movies with Captain America New World Order and Sam Wilson Captain America

Phase 4 is over with Black Panther 2.

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Ant-man 2 will start phase 5.
Thunderbolts will end Phase 5

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daredevil born again, 18 episodes lets goooo


I bet that gets split into 2 seasons

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With actual video

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Fuuuuck, those trademarks were spot on… !!

Since the trademarks I listed yesterday were all for todays SDCC panel, and they are all movies…

Im guessing the other batch of trademarks I listed today are shows for Disney+…


I think Sin will be the villain of Captain America New World Order based on the title.


That has been the rumor for awhile

It’s been selling today. I’ve had my eye on a copy of Captain America 16 for a while (I need 16-19 to complete my Brubaker run) and I kept passign on locking it up in favor of other books. Suddenly it sold today.

Explains why I’ve sold two copies of Avengers Academy #1 Newsstands. Still have another and a ton of directs.

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Marvel at SDCC