If true, this would be the book to have.
The whole immortal iron fist run is a great read, and great art. Brubaker, Fraction and Aja at their best. May have been Aja’s first series too.
What about Pei from Iron Fist: The Living Weapon? Could be her too if Marvel wants to go younger
I dont think the asian woman character was who the poster was talking about. It was just an example
Ah, i see.
Collen wing as iron fist. She was the best part of that show
I mean, in the Bendis run on Daredevil the male White Tiger ended up dead and someone else inherited it. So it makes sense if it were true…
Avengers Academy 21
Or you could get her first appearance in Avengers Academy #20. AA21 is her first cover appearance. Actually 21 is her first full. True one panel cameo on the last page of 20.
Maybe I’m forgetting something/wrong but isn’t there the possibility it could be either of the female White Tigers?
So Ava Ayala as mentioned with the Avengers Academy books OR Angela Del Toro from the Daredevil run #58 not in costume and later in the actual White Tiger mini series (which was pretty good).
smh… I hope this is proven wrong
Seems like her or her publicist trying to will it into existence. I’m calling bs
He’s a great actor. He’s known for a ton of big roles so I’ll sometimes confuse people and name an obscure show he was on. I’ll be like, “He was amazing on that short-lived legal drama Girls’ Club!” Which he was. The rest of the show sucked tho.