MCU Phase 4 - 5 Perplexed Spec Trek

I think he’s doing quite well… probably in better shape than 99% of us on this forum…


Dunno, just not Mephisto intimidating to me. We’ll see though.

I can beat him up but I don’t wanna.

They better not eff with this character. Seriously.

What the ■■■■ does that have to do with him playing a character in a fictional movie? Can’t you go 2 damn seconds without dragging irrelevant shit into conversations?

It’s responses like this that make sites like this require moderators and their damn jobs moderating harder. Sigh!

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He’s not always intimidating in the comics. He tries to be clever and subtle too. I remember when he was acting all nice because he was going on dates with one of the New Mutants. He can be crafty and funny and witty. Some portrayals are just, “Scary devil dude,” tho too.


I deleted my comment.



I thought Feige said they wouldn’t be using stuff in movies from comics made in the last decade!?

It could be bogus. Havent seen anyone else back it up…yet

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Yeah im scrolling through their twitter and theres a lot scoops and posts that give me a whiff of bs

Someone better tell that to Mr. Knight and Kamala Khan

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Khan first appeared in 2013 I’m not a Moon Knight fan so I can’t speak to that.

Ditto here. Secret Avengers 19 was 2011, so he BARELY counts as not within 10 years, but Kamala was only 9 years new when they brought her in.

Sam Wilson became Cap in 2014, so they adapted that 7 years after it took place in the comics.

I’m sure there is more. Feige sucks at followig his own rules.


The rules state this @mjwhitay :

Check your PM/DM inbox for a more detailed response to continue discussing if desired.





Wasn’t she in that midnight suns game? did anyone here even play that

I heard it was fun but I don’t think anyone bought it.