MCU phase 6

Why don’t we just have a book burning? Abolish the 1st amendment?

In fact, let’s just totally change history altogether. The Phoenix Suns are now the greatest team in NBA history, Jim Parsons was cast as the Black Panther and everyone loved it, and Bacon is officially healthier than broccoli.


I agree with you “generally speaking”, but absolutely not on the specific case of the story of Snow White which I thought was the topic at hand. To generalize to all fables isn’t fair to this specific story. I don’t care about Little Mermaid…her appearance (outside of being a mermaid and a female) has nothing to do with the plot.

The entire story, conflict, and plot of Snow White revolves around appearance. Without the conflict revolving around how one “looks” there would not be a story of "Snow White.
They aren’t referring to a dress. They aren’t leaving a thing up to the reader’s imagination with regards to her appearance.They specifically talk of skin as white as snow. The story, printed versions are available for review. How many ways does one interpret the line “skin as white as snow”?

So we should update any story that while perfectly acceptable doesn’t quite fit with a certain mentality of a certain timeframe of a select few? Those of us who feel changing and censoring things that really don’t need changing or are absolutely not offensive no matter how hard you try to pigeon hole them have “serious problems”? Let the book burnings begin… someone doesn’t like how a story from 1812 described someone?

There is nothing wrong with the story. It it is very detailed in its descriptions. If the appearance of the characters had nothing at all to do with the story then certainly it would make zero difference. That is not the case with this story. To claim any different is being purposely obtuse.
This is a tale about how the character looks. Those looks are specifically described and that specific look is why she is to be killed. Appearance and the provided descriptions are integral to it. I often wonder if the folks so quick to judge any particular work have ever even seen or read it these days.

From 1812 to present…never seemed to be any question…

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It’s 2023 and I am offended that people are offended over meaningless crap. Can I cancel them or have those people written out of history?

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For the record, Jesus was Jewish, not Arab. But you are correct, the Jews were brown and still are. Majority of Jews in Israel today are brown (Mizrahi). Arabs are from Arabia, different place.

Anything is possible in the multiverse.


With a little help from AI…


Yabimbet Bazinga Yabimbet Bazinga!

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Looks like one of the latest Store Variants that folks go crazy over


Sorry, I meant to say he’s gonna look more Arabian since during that time, a lot of Jews were decedents and shared the same ancestors in the area of the Middle East after splitting off from what I’ve read ( But yes, if he did exist, he was Jewish and yes, I’m pretty certain he was very very brown… :wink:

No. I’m not advocating changing history and I hate cancel culture myself (it’s stupid to be honest) but I also stand for progressing forward. I don’t live in the past, I don’t think society should either, we learn from it and strive to make life better for all.

All I’m saying is, these are fairy tale stories based on a creative imagination. There’s nothing wrong with changing the story for new times in today’s world. Just because we make Snow White black or Hispanic or any other race doesn’t change the history of the origin. Either watch or read it or don’t. Go back and read the original story if it makes you happy… nobody is forcing anyone to read the new version someone comes up with since most of these characters and stories are in the public domain for anyone to play with, change, parody, etc.

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Why do you go to such extremes? It does you zero justice and just turns into nothing but hot air nonsense… nobody wants to listen to the crazy street preacher when they spout absurd statements at people walking by! That’s what you remind me of when you comment with these asinine statements and ideas.

Nobody takes such people or statements seriously, just kind of makes you look crazy. Just a thought…


So I’m a crazy conspiracy street preacher but @Devildog is not, and he/she made a similar argument. Got it.

Also, yes, when you change stories to reflect modern times you are altering history. I can see it now “The Spinally-Challenged They/Them of The Non-Denominational Center for Religious Worship.”

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No you’re not. You’re just creating a new branch from the sacred timeline.


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I’m much much worse than any crazy street preacher, I’m a grumpy, crayon eating, get off my lawn battle scarred Marine.
Folks are well aware by this point of my lengthy, get off my lawn diatribes. :slight_smile:
Appreciate y’all putting up with me.
There are certain things that get my dander up. Traditionalist certainly fits me.


To be fair, that is your opinion, and others have other opinions.


I never once said “conspiracy”… and Devildog is approaching the topic with more rational, reason and logic, rather just spewing complete nonsense extremes. Did you read the rest of your own comment? You just sound crazy…

^^ That’s just crazy talk… nobody is going to take you seriously when you just start talking nonsense…

If you wanna take it offline, by all means, feel free to but maybe you should read out loud what you type before hitting “reply” at times…

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Never said it wasn’t my opinion while others have their own. I’m just trying to say, if you get bent out of shape cause a story is changed or altered (it’s done all the time, particularly those in the public domain), you really should get your priorities in life together. Nobody is taking away from the origin or original story in new stories told (and if a character appearance or their race changes in it).

It’s a simple solution, don’t like the new version, then don’t read or watch it. Just stick to the classic versions. Last I checked, Snow White isn’t even real. There are bigger problems in the world to worry about I say.


So…this is what happens to this thread when there’s a Hollywood strike and we don’t have MCU news because the industry has ground to a halt. Interesting.


I felt like the topic was still somewhat relevant with Marvel/Disney as a whole, as their overall approach to films has really gotten a bit off track. How they approach all their properties sort of bleeds into Marvel too.
I did try to self reflect on that/my posts to be honest.
Some things folks will absolutely never see eye to eye on and in the words of a certain Disney princess I’ve made a conscious decision to “let it go”.

I think Disney/Marvel needs to take a good hard look at what they are doing going forward. They have stated they are doing just that, but we shall see.

You simply aren’t going to please everyone…put out an incredible product and the chips fall where they may.


:100: right there… that’s the best take on all of this crud! :wink:


I’m just curious what the Snow White story should be called if it is going to be about someone who isn’t white as snow…. The Lady Who Ate A Bad Apple?