Mercari New Fees April 2023

Wonder if this change will come to the US and Canada soon.

So back a few years ago ebay had a promo for Canadians where there was zero (0) selling fees if we listed items on their Canadian site ( I can’t remember how many zero fees listings we got, it was somewhere between 10 and 40. At that time I was only selling high priced out of print omnibuses, it was absolutely glorius.

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They still have to make money. What fee will they increase (or add) to compensate?

It’s one thing to try it on a limited scope…applying broadly will hit their bottom line….hard.

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That is what Mercari did, so now I rarely make draws on the funds sitting there. It has to build up first

They’re basically adding a buyers premium to all purchases. So even though sellers are not charged anything, they actually are. Won’t help us if they’re charging buyers like a 20% premium. This model must be working for the other merchants and eBay is losing business, only reason they’re doing this.

Maybe this is an example of a very large company actually reading the tea leaves. Usually the biggest player in the industry won’t move off a business model that has worked. But competition apps and sites are popping up all over. Most are specialty or niche but it won’t be long before a serious competitor arrives. If they are smart (and maybe this is part of their plan) they will take less money now when they have market dominance to make sure they continue to make more money and add even more sellers in the future. Make sure there is no reason to resell anywhere else online. The current 13.5% is a pretty stiff fee. They really should be providing better reward structure for their best sellers, but unfortunately eBay doesn’t have much history of being good to their sellers, based on their policies you would think they dislike them.


So I was at a con this weekend while visiting family, so I wasn’t there long. They had 80-100 vendors there and it was strictly a “comic book only” show. No Pops, toys, trading cards or clothing merchandise etc. Great show.

There was a guy there (58 year sold) who had a booth selling collections he had picked up for cheap. Lots of moderns selling for 50% off, mainly lots of $1-$2 books, lots of great deals. People were asking for his card and where else he sells. He told them this is the only place he sells, a few times a year. He’s 58 years old and has never sold online. Talks about the evils of eBay and how people would tell him about the outrageous fees and scams etc. He doesn’t want to deal with any of that and would rather do local shows.

Yes, people like this still exists. Those that don’t like technology and prefer to do things the traditional way. Ebay having 0 fees would actually encourage people to sell more there. I know I wouldn’t be so lazy.


I really want to see more comic book Swap Meets, I have talked to stores in my area about doing them and none have seemed to bite yet.

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Was that show in Vaughan? I was at that show and I think I remember that guy. He sold everything for $2. I found 6 thru 15 of Killadelphia in those boxes. The funny thing was he had about 300 to 400 copies of King Spawn #1. All the different variants. I offered him $5 for 10 of the McFarlane version but he was having none of it. Bought 2 anyway.

That was a nice show, only a couple of vendors stuck in 2021 prices, and found my Wolverine #131 recalled version that I’ve been looking for, so was pretty happy.

Funny you should mention this topic of those older individuals who only do face-to-face sales.
Saw a facebook post of the original Gold Key Star Treks (1 - 10 with some misses) & Space Family Robinson’s (1 - 15 with a bunch missing). And all in real nice condition

I reached out to the guy knowing I was a dead duck that it had posted around 12 hours ago. However, he said he had dozens of inquiries and commitments to purchase from around the country but would not ship or accept any kind of online payment. I immediately jumped in my car and told him I’d be there in an hour & half and sure enough he had them and I bought them all for dirt… and I mean dirt cheap. He didn’t even care what he had I guess. The Star Trek 1 graded at 7.5 eventually and the Space Family Robinson graded at 8.0. I sold off the rest

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Yes it was the Toronto Comic Book show. I think I saw you, I was there around 2-3 o clock, was there late (vacationing visiting family). There was one guy standing right next to me with a stack of Killadellphia…I was like goddammit…lmao.

I think we were standing right next to each other. Was waiting for you to finish so I could go through that box.

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Missed CHU Connections


Small world out there! That was most likely me for sure. Was a good show.

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Yep the guy had longboxes of King Spawn, Scorched and Spawn lol. Hundreds of copies of those.

Weird how some of us are so far away and others of us have literally brushed shoulders! Y’all stay outta STL if you’re gonna buy stuff tho. This is my turf! You’re welcome to visit the Arch but stay off marketplace!

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I was born in STL. Small world. My parents moved to Florida when I was 2 so it has been a long time since I lived there, lol. But we would go back every few years to see the grandparents over the summer. Surprise fact…. my dad helped design the last pice of the arch.

Anyway, back on topic!

Sorry. Have to do this. (Not sorry)