Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

You’re right, Disney wants to dump their drek.

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Do you need to attach a bank account to eBay to buy? I thought all you need is a credit card.

I think with managed payments on Ebay, you have to provide a bank account no. to get deposits directly from your sales. At least I do !

Kind of a tough one. I guess it depends on the profit but there will probably be more done with Marvel Zombies down the road. I am holding the extras I have. Even if nothing more is done with them on the big or small screen they have a following and will gain new collectors/fans over time.

What about buying though? I think you can still set up an account to buy….and not be set up to sell.

MZs #1 isn’t really a first appearance of anyone, sort of like infinity gauntlet #1. It was hot for a while, but after end game it’s cooled down.

It’s a great book/story though. But UFF 21/22 are the winners.

infinity gauntlet #1 with family of novas?

Not sure about just buying. I would think you dont need a bank account #, just a credit card or Paypal (?), to make payment. Please confirm.

You need a bank account to set up the new payment system under Payoneer (cant use paypal anymore). It is quite a bummer because you still cant make payments for ebay purchases through Payoneer.

Think he meant the initial miniseries by Starlin.


right, late night browsing didnt see the place he mentioned end game

I did sign up using your link, and listed two books to try it out. Thanks for the link.

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For anyone who is using ebay, you need to set up a Payoneer account. Here is my referral link. If you sign up via the link, both of us will get a little something from Payoneer. Dont think there is another payment option currently that ebay will accept.

I still have my ebay account and can buy. Everytime I login they remind me I need to setup managed payments to sell items. I just click the X to keep on browsing.

@myrontay , Please ask for permission from mods/admins before using referral links. @alana asked for permission long ago to use her Mercari from time to time.

Noted on that for future referrals. Thanks.

Thanks. The reason we do this is, if we allow one, we have to allow all and then the forums just turn into a big spammers dream honey hole.


Yup, same here.


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