Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

It doesn’t even have a name yet, I just got it working last week. Unfortunately it’s iOS so if I wanted to distribute it, it would have to be approved by Apple.

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charge a monthly fee of a dollar or something, cause you wont be able to buy books at any of the stores on the app.

Yeah I could do that, I’m still at least a month away from anything I could distribute though, I have to customize the search for every single site and handle lots of cases like not showing out of stock books, or where my comic shop returns a list of series instead of issues… etc.

If I ever get a working version I’ll let people on here know.

But to get back on topic I have been selling lots of Kang the Conqueror 2, Moon Knight 3, and Batman 89 1 lately all for between $15 and $20


Post to the Sponsors and Services category :grinning:


People are taking advice from some dude named “Brys Comics” …??? lol

“Premiere issues of first solo series are often overlooked…”

lol…no they arent. People pay attention to #1 issues.



What exactly is this ‘new’ market?

Is there any hard data that you can present to us that shows us trends in medium, or higher, value books that fall into this ‘new’ market?


You must ask yourself ‘why does it work well’?

Is it giving credible, good information that critically thinking masses are consuming, that then leads to natural growth in the books? Or, is it giving out lousy information that gets eating up by the masses who are taking the apps information as gossip, who them all simultaneously go out and buy a book, at the same Time, creating an artificial, temporary bump in the book, until the next ‘alert’ comes along.

If these books that the app alerts about had any actual natural growth, interest, or value, the book wouldn’t be in dollar bins a year and a half after its release. And it certainly wouldn’t need an app to tell the community how important the book is to the old, or new, markets.


Always look at WHY a book is heating up, not WHERE it’s heating up…

And whomever started using the term “tool” for comic speculating/collecting needs a time out. This hobby doesnt use “tools”, it uses common sense…

If you want a “tool”, go to ACE hardware.


That right there… ^^^


Not true. Software programs are tools. It’s a means to an end.

I do like it to quickly find issues of a series with a character or cover when I can’t recall it. It’s also helpful when I’m trying to find a particular issue by volume…sometimes shops have books organized in certain ways (series/volume/year) and it makes digging through king boxes faster/more efficient. I’d say that makes it a useful tool for me when thumbing through books.


Thanks for this. I have quite a few of each that I definitely should throw up

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So this is partially why I created the Oh That KCC thread…because one of my biggest gripes is that there is no way within the ap to provide feedback on whether the information may be incorrect, misleading or even for someone to validate it. At least our community can communicate amongst ourselves how we feel or why we know about these alerts when they pop up. And perhaps others, even those who lurk but never post, may see the value on coming here to CHU to validate KCC alerts to help make informed decisions one way or another.


Agreed on the WHY, and not WHERE, but you’re foolish if you think tools don’t help. There are hundreds of tools that help investors with the stock market. KCC, CovrPrice, Comic Book Realm, etc. are tools used in a similar sense. All of these tools used together, definitely show trends in the market.

There’s a difference between TOOLS and TOOLS…

Does KCC app show trends, stats and real-time data vs being a flat out Wiki page…???

Looks like multiple raw copies of Thor 617 (1st Kid Loki) have moved today.

That sounds like a very specific tool for a very specific job. Im just saying it had its uses, as others have also said. I didn’t say it was a state of the art tool either. More like a socket for a wrench…there are many sockets a wrench can accept. They all don’t do the same job, some are higher quality and do it better, or combined with another component give you an advantage.

Blaming KCC for making it easier for fools to part with their money or it’s ruining the hobby just seems to unproductive to me, though. Most don’t respond well to outright negativity. It’s here. It’s not going anywhere. Best to just educate people on how to use it, and what to be cautious about.


A lot of the time, KCC doesn’t even “source” it’s news or data (we know they didn’t come up with it all on their own)… that’s a big one for me.


I’m not an advocate for KCC. That being said, have you even looked at the app at all? They actually do have a weekly Hot 10 list and Hot 10 runner up that show the high sales on specific issues. So yes, they have weekly info on trends. There are no apps out there (yet) that have any real time data.

And yes, @agentpoyo this is my biggest gripe as well:

All in all though, just like @D-Rog ,it is one of the tool in my tool box that I use on the regular and has helped. You do you though.

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I don’t think the “comic spec” market is honestly big enough for such things to really tackle a “real time data” type of application. We who watch trends for comic values is small and far compared to say, day traders and such… I’m willing to bet readers still out number those who care about the value of comics and such.


I just finished doing a local auction, first one that I have done. trying to thin the collection for the big move and was pretty surprised to see which books sold and which did not, clearly no one really gives a shit about KCC here and are just buying what they want for their collections :stuck_out_tongue: