Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

No. It’s whole value is all speculation, at this point. It’s sold for over a $100 fairly recently. If you listed one now, it would pick up a bunch of watchers.

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Anybody think X-Cellent #1 has a chance? Solicit sounds like new characters

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there is one listed already, not mine

apparently not new as they have already appeared before…


I just found a duplicate copy in my sales box. Must have had it listed somewhere at some point. And I had the same thought… if spidey punisher man shows up in spider-verse this book would go nuts.

I have lots of copies of cover A and at least one of these. I did a spotlight on the character on my IG a few weeks ago. I think it’s a great spec book to hold onto.

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This buyer got lucky


@thefallenone Clearly, we will never know, but I’d be very curious if that item is, in fact, ever sent to the buyer.


I preordered the full God of Hammers regular cover run here. Curious to see what the hell all this turns out to be. Would be nice if one or two of them popped.

When I buy I typically just get one copy. How do you guys decide when to buy multiples and how many are you getting? I’d like to start maybe getting an extra copy of some stuff so I can sell one and keep one but can’t ever decide when to do it. Was thinking maybe this Kevin Eastman Elektra could be a good candidate. Would love to here thoughts and tips and tricks. New around here so forgive my ignorance.


20 already has and you can bet 21 will follow. You just have to guess what you think people will care about before the masses get in on it. It’s easiest to just be 1st, if you are a good guesser, which I am not.

depends completely on the book and new characther, but normally i will buy anywhere from 3-50 copies of a book. as for god of hammers, well sounds like black winter part 2 to me. i dont trust cates spec wise much anymore


God of Hammers is definitely a quick flip. After Thor 23, we probably won’t see her for awhile.

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Midtown has Darkhold Omega Spoiler covers in stock if anyone is looking. The design variant only had one left last I looked. I picked up 2 of each spoiler variant showing the new character.

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kelly thompson book btw, l like spec’ing on her books so much better than cates. she doesnt kill off her creations, and she always reuses them. and the print runs are a fraction of cates hyped books


Multiple copies of Thor 1 (2014) 9.8 have sold today.

An update on Valkyrie costume:

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Because Cates enjoys popping on speculators. He’s tweeted as much.

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It seems like any news or hype regarding Tessa as Valkyrie should make Exiles #1 (design variant) or Exiles #2 pop so I’d have those on standby if you have them .

Exiles #9 1:25 is also a nice book imo.


Those are all good spec books for Tessa as Valkyrie.
Let’s see if any of them finds some traction.

Maybe not the right place for this so apologies if so.

Sometimes I have a hard time finding things to preorder on TFAW. Is there a trick to keeping up with what’s new or finding things? Do sold out items just disappear from listing? I’d like to preorder immortal X-men 1 cover A but can’t find it on there. They have all the variants listed though. Sorting through the inventory snd making sure I catch something before FOC has been a challenge for a handful of items. This has left me going to Midtown for some stuff and I prefer to keep it under one roof. Would love to hear some insight. Thanks!