Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

If Marvel doesn’t open FOC back up, they are losing out on a lot of money….they’ve done it before…total textbook example of when they should do it. Releasing art immediately following FOC…

Imagine all the canceled eBay orders that would occur as a fallout…

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Is there a way to tell if it’s sold out at Penguin? or do they automatically stop all orders after FOC passes?

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Just got a refund from Westfield for my Vader 20 purchase, as predicted! Waiting on that dominion place (not dark dominion, i already got my ship notification on those Thors!) to send us all 10 copies worth of refunds now, haha.

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Penguin just lets you order and will say “please note one of the products in your cart is either sold out or hasn’t shipped yet”. It will still let you make the order, but you won’t know if it goes through until you get the actual invoice.



My entire Westfield order was refunded.

Westfield cancelled my order. I put in a big order with the LCS though through penguin. We’ll see I I get any.

Westfield must have a lot of irritated customers

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I figured it would get cancelled, although they haven’t cancelled my Thor 20’s or 21’s yet so maybe I’ll get those.

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I thought I got my Westfield order in really early. Before most of the chatter started here. But, it looks like all were cancelled. They must not have had many extras ordered. We’ll see if the LCS comes through. Not holding my breath.

The only company i mostly expect to get copies from is Derby DC and the 2 copies I got from an ebay guy in canada. And even then i’m not sure, lol.

Jus leaves the door open for reprint.

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I’ve had Westfield cancel orders even when I placed them prior to FOC. I think anything that was a pre-order from them after FOC has been cancelled for me. So I know better not to even try.

They will probably list your pre foc copies at a later time for a premium.

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Ya they will do a 2nd print with a 1:25 sketch variant.

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SA #15 Gaslamp cover is on Midtown if anyone wants/needs still.


Boy oh boy they sure are charging Ebay prices+ for Silver Surfer Rebirth#1 1:50 and Catwoman #39 1:25 variant

I’m surprised there wasn’t a limit. I ordered 6.


True. But I would think reprints would be more work On their end to make happen than just open FOC for easy money for another week.

Didn’t they bump out FOC a week longer recently for everything Marvel? Seems like they are capable of meeting schedule…but maybe more of a headache near term for the $$$.

Blind Adam had it in here back in 8/29/2020

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Why is this book relevant to Spider-verse spec ? Asking …