Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

A lot of those marvel lenticulars were really bad cause you couldn’t really make out what either cover was on the books. 1st cosmic ghost rider the lenticular variant is pretty cheap cause of how unpopular those were. Then again the action figure variants for a while were hated and now they’re super popular so maybe the same thing will happen with the lenticulars

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Yet the batman ones were. Go figure

Don’t overpay for SW20 cover A, we will be receiving a resupply soon.


Whoa…$55 for Bloodstone 1:10. NM-

Apparently that’s about the ebay rate…maybe a little less. Geesh…


see what happens to price when mail orders come in. i think it comes down some

Did the cover A of Bloodstone ever go up at MCS? I thought they weren’t listing these until next week?

If you need them they are available at dark dominion for cover price.



I sold one of my 2 for $60. Paid for it and the rest of my books this week.


Yeah for some reason everyone thinks DD2 is his first full when I’m pretty sure he has a full appearance in DD1. What I’ve read of the series is excellent.

I never saw it. Surprised anything from Marvel at MCS Went up. Still says In their website they are going up next week. Maybe that comic will go up then? Looks like everything else went up. Snagged a few Star Wars 20’s myself— 2 cover A’s and 2 Sprouse with Qi’ra on it.

They are probably selling them on ebay for market price.

Some people thought DD2 was his 1st because the 2nd print has the 1st cover of Detective North. It’s been confirmed that #1 is his 1st full but those who bought up copies of #2 due to false info still need to sell their copies so…

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Saw this on Instagram posted by>> d_core_collectables
I couldn’t find a single copy on ebay…

Grogu- brief Cameo, is in the guts of Die! Die! Die! #14 from March, 2021


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Is it safe to say that the incentives that aren’t available have sold out?

This books has a lot going for it. It’s the first cameo of the whole cast of the Crimson Reign storyline currently going on and has a cover with two fan favorite characters that are highly collectible.


Wow, didn’t realize that had increased so much!


Yeah, that’s been discussed a few times and CBSI even pointed it out. It’s a parody and technically doesn’t count unless marvel/Disney back it up. People will still buy it because people like that sort of thing, but most won’t acknowledge it as a legit first appearance.

I personally think it’s an great ancestor of Grogu because technically he was born a long time ago…(in a galaxy far far away).

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One of my personal grails but thats some crazy bucks. I’d settle for a lower grade


I saw a 9.8 go for $18k on the 14th via Heritage auction so I can only assume this seller was like " gimme that loot" too!

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