Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

There’s a raw on Mercari probably a 9.2-9.4 for $1100


We specifically talked about this book because it’s awesome and I was carrying on about E.M Gist before he really starting pumping out work. He’s so darned talented.
Anyway, without any real hype or attention, this book has slowly crept up. I never knew it untill I saw folks paying pretty crazy for it on whatnot and checked.


Strange academy #15 has presales purchased as high as $30


Can anybody tell if it’s still available for preorder on Diamond?

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It is not, they rejected my order.

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I hope Strange Academy #15 does well. I’m not particularly fond of eating crow. :joy:


Yeah crow never tastes good… :wink: I think it will do just fine considering the prices right now. It will drop of course, but starting at $30 is a pretty good window to get your profits in.


Ya’ll see this craziness?


96 for raw? I see a bunch going for under that with BINs. I dont get why people bid way higher than a BIN listing, lol.


Either people set a high snipe value through a snipe program thinking they’re guaranteed to get it or they get caught up in the moment and just don’t like to lose.

Either way, I agree it’s foolish to bid higher than BiNs unless it’s clearly the best raw copy by far.


I also collect and sell trading cards and over the years I’ll watch auctions go away higher than a BIN for a card graded exactly the same. So it has to be just the competitive spirit or a sniper who got caught in some shill bids or something.

I, on the other hand, always put my top bid or try to snipe no higher than the lowest BIN of the same card, haha.

Yeah just crazy, someone definitely didn’t check other listings before trying to win that book.

That copy is in better condition than the rest of the BINs?

$299.00 for shipping…and I have had people complain when I charge for flat rate boxes.

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That thing better come in a gold-plated mahogany shipping box.

I’m pretty sure that shipping is including the insurance they put on it.

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Oh. That makes sense.

If I’m paying 20k for a comic, I’ll happily dish out another couple hundred to insure it. :wink:


Probably helps with 1099 forms. I’m guessing. Especially if they don’t pay for shipping through eBay…can probably claim only the $20k (even though eBay 1099 will state $20,300 was collected) and “write off” whatever they paid for insurance without providing receipts…maybe the IRS will look the other way…


About 20-30 minutes till the Moon Knight trailer drops. 2nd quarter of the game just started and trailer premiere at halftime.
I’m sure something will go nuclear because of it…

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