Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Come on. Yours?

No I would of shared the info after about 5 copies lol.


You had me scared for a moment…I thought you were a time traveler.

Or a precog.

Why would you buy so many Moon Knight #2’s ?

There’s literally no spec there…

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Because the Moon Knight trailer revealed the name Ravager for Ethan Hawke

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Selling $100 + on eBay currently

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I get what people are selling it for. But it makes no sense for people to buy a 1st appearance of a character who has ONLY 1 first appearance. This is a red herring. I believe this one of his multiple personalities. Doesnt even look like the character.

This is literally the worst kind of spec people can buy into. Tread carefully…


Depends on if you’re selling or buying.


OCD or insider information. The only explanations.


Buyers look at the casting announcements

I missed this; need to look at the trailer again for where Ethan is referred to as Ravager.

Mercari too

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Any source for the casting info ? Any reference to who Ethan is playing ? Sorry I may have missed this in the discussion. Asking …

I was just speaking in general.

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KC reported that if you watch the trailer with the captions, Hawke is labeled as “Harrow”, who’s first app in Moon Knight 2, according to KC.

I’m in a “selling” phase right now, but I did hop in ebay a few minutes after, as I wasn’t trying to rush, and every listing was already bought. I think I saw a 9.6 go for like 60 bucks. Tons of VFs for under 10.

EDIT: yep, i did see that!

These cgc graded Moon Knights 2 is highly suspect. I mean who in their right mind would grade Fist of Khonshu 2 if they didn’t get some insider info months or even years back during production. It virtually has no spec value for a character that’s only shown up once in comics history.


Lots of insider trading in the collector’s market. Do they even plan stuff that early? I guess they’d almost have to.

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The difference between insider trading in the comic market and real insider trading, is, that real insider trading has dire effects on companies and can cost people their livelihoods and they don’t even know why. Comic book insider trading only hurts the individual selling / buying the comic, in which, they chose to do that themselves…so no real harm done.

I’m guessing this is why the SEC could care less about collectibles on this level…now, I’m sure once you get up to the higher value ones there is some oversight there (not from the SEC of course…other entities).

I guess issue 1 of that series is also selling decently so maybe try and find issue 1. Or just buy the whole mini series lol