Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

First issue is ASM #258 WHICH IS WHEN WE FIND OUT THE SUITS ALIVE. USUALLY A $20-$30 BOOK. Or was not sure now.

Once and Future is a great book. One I always forget about when people ask me what I read and like. OAF would make an easy TV show with weekly villains and an overall theme of the King Arthur stuff being the background stuff. Could easily milk a few seasons out of it.


Tried getting into Once and Future, and while the premise is interesting to me, the stories seemed too rushed. It was difficult for me to understand the background of the characters, and it seemed there was too much story crammed in to an issue. The scenes transition are very jarring. Just a difficult title for me to digest. I have this same problem with Department of Truth also; problem here is its also too wordy. There should be some primer on the characters and some recap of the story for these books. I understand if these were long printed books, but they are fairly new; just didnt draw me in to enjoy.

@drunkwooky So on a book like this where we can assume there will Be heat - what’s the min. You would take? Thanks!

Minimum I would take on a sale? $14 a copy of the regular copies for 1 or 2. $30 for the ratio variants.

I’m not selling right now, though because it’s just so obviously too soon. The High Republic publishing initiative has given us like 36 new characters. We know High Republic is going to get some sort of live action project. We also know a video game is coming. There is just too much in the immediate horizon to sell right now.


That’s a ton of first appearances in HR Adventures 1. Guess I should add a few to the collection. You know. Just in case.

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Not 36 all in issue 1 to be clear.

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Good old Jimcomics moves the needle again.


Btw, this is the entirety of that appearance:

Obscure silhouettes.


If cameos are still considered a thing, that is textbook.

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That’s about as bad of a cameo you can get some shadowy tiny silhouettes.


I would also be inclined to say by the shapes of the shadow figures they aren’t the knights of ren as none are wearing helmets or holding distinct weapons.


Somebody, somewhere was mentioning that Force Awakens book a couple weeks ago and it also popped up on ole Key Collector as a hot book also back then. Jim Comics just stoked the fire even more it seems. Took me a couple times going through it myself as I was surprised that was being considered the appearance.


Agree…I guess the only way we know and can say they are the Knights of Ren is that the scene in the comic is taken directly from the film in which we do know that is who they are.

Better start stocking up on Dark Nights Metal: The Casting…


This book is doing very well.



I wonder why, not much goin on it. I believe this is the issue where Kingpin has a Gardener or handyman clean up after his rage kill, then he whacks the handyman. Also maybe there was Daredevil imposter?

Kingpins son is in it.