Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

I agree it’s rare…Some people say they don’t sell, but may let the occasional comic go on occasion even when they say that. I think until I evidence is shown we should give him the benefit of the doubt. At least I do. There’s no evidence I’ve seen he’s putting out videos and benefitting from flipping. I put him at or near the bottom of who I’d be concerned with pumping and dumping online.

I find he provides very factual information…so whether he’s selling or not somewhat irrelevant to me. I Enjoy his input and I’ll do with it what I feel is best for me. I’m a big boy, and I can hold myself accountable for my actions.


I never said he did. I said he is getting tardy speculators to buy books.

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I remember him putting a lot of emphasis on the leveler throughout the books and KCC followed accordingly. I don’t see how anyone can be so certain that only one of this creature exists. Unless people are collecting 1st dewback, 1st geonosian, 1st bantha… etc.


There isn’t just one of the creature. In HR: Eye of the Storm 2, Ro and his team go to the planet to get more of the creatures. They are referred to as The Nameless.

‘Leveler’ isn’t a character - it’s simply the description used for the creatures’ effect on the Jedi. This is a case where specs who aren’t reading the books may take a bath.


Thanks for the info. I haven’t read EotS, but I/we figured that their were more creatures anyway. Not sure why Jim was bringing attention to it unless he and KCC had something to gain. :roll_eyes:

Jim may not have read, or may have just skimmed. KCC is a weathervane; they post first and verify second, any rumor or idea they get a whiff of.

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Being first doesn’t help your business if you are wrong this much.


It’s incredibly dumb and tone deaf so it is bound to cause a ton of controversy and be highly sought after. Yep, “Red Room: Trigger Warnings,” is getting an homage cover that homages, “Maus.” Oh boy.

OOF… that’s bad. and I normally buy the Red Room variants.

That’s just bad taste.




I have a Strange Academy 2 I keep forgetting to list anywhere or do in a Whatnot show. Being lazy has benefits.


Is there something that happened to heat it up?

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Cover got pulled. The entire series is in bad taste; it’s a pay-to-torture storyline. I’m sure people can find something to be offended about on almost every page.


I saw it got pulled. Rugg posted an apology and Piskor did not. Either Piskor is working on a statement or he is mad it got pulled. I feel this isn’t the last we will hear about all this. The whole series is pretty tacky so one shouldn’t be surprised they, “Went there,” but lots of folks were and it was bound to generate controversy. Whether this ends up helping or hurting will be seen.

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I have no clue what this series is.
I guess that’s a good thing.

Unless you like extremely dark and gruesome horror comics that cross the line of good taste but have some great (yet hideous) artwork, you aren’t missing a ton. I’m kinda bored of the series and was already about to drop it regardless of any controversy, it just is getting old.


I saw one page of this book and immediately closed it. Definitely not a book for me.

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I do know Ed Piskor needs his head examined and I suppose the content of this series helps support my assertion.
I approached him once for a sketch cover at (I think it was) Baltimore Comicon.
The price he gave me for a commission was commensurate with what Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Picasso, and Salvador Dali’s sketch cover commission prices would be if they were still alive.
His attitude was pretty sh&tty too. Nothing said in particular, just an “I’m better than you” feeling I was left with.


I’m not into gore. Marvel Zombies is about as much as I can handle. It’s can’t read a walking dead book or watch an episode.

Sounds like this is not a book for me.


Does he wear the sunglasses at shows, too? I’m assuming that’s a gimmick, right?