Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Star Wars 34 Fomo reaching new heights.


Good god, buyers are stupid. smh

Another week, another HOT book. And like previous weeks, the flood comes and the sold prices drop…

Another first appearance…?

Something seems…off

Sold prices vs current prices - and why just cover A ??


Another first appearance (Dr. Cuata ) and the beginning of Luke’s green saber storyline. Dr. Cuata being in this issue is unconfirmed at this point, but assumed based on him appearing in 35.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this first app has any staying power or anybody should be paying above cover for this issue. I just think those are the reasons people might be paying more.


Star Wars 34 looks like an overreaction of the market. People are looking for the next SW HR Quest of the Jedi.


Aphra #34 the Knull of Star Wars already getting my pump on🤣

Star Wars Doctor Aphra #34


Except the Starweirds go all the way back to 2004.

Not in Canon or Marvel and this Star Weird is way different then the picture from a sourcebook.

Yeah, none in comics. I was more just taking (joking) offense to the comparison to Knull.

Or the Carrion of Star Wars.

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SW HR Quest of the Jedi is starting to come down back to Earth. It is a long-term hold if purchased at cover price, but I would not pay 30 to 40 bucks.


@Comic I sold 7 copies after dropping them down between $24 and $19.99. Made my money, kept one, and moved on to the next hot book.


That is the way


For a little while KCC had Bounty Hunters 34 listed as Cuata’s 1st appearance in “Future Keys” so it’s also possible some people missed it if they only rely on KCC. Ooops.

Just to let you know guys that Quest of the Jedi didn’t make it to Europe. Licensing issues.


I wonder how many shops are going to be “Shorted” the A cover to Star Wars #34 this week?


All of them!

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Waiting to hear back on a few as it is!

“Full appearance” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The first one, the seller changed the asking price after the item sold…

The $75 sales have gotta be shilled…

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Do these new characters have a cool look or do they seem important in SW 34?