Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

I found a duplicate GI Joe 244 cover A in the box. Recent sales in the $60-$80 range. Listed one and sold it in under an hour for $100. Worth keeping in mind.

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You sound like that Onoma Loompa guy on Twitter…

Thats what you get when you play the short-term, day trader game…

plenty of spec out there, every month

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I have sold 15 copies of Spider-Man #8 for $12.99 each since it came out. I keep finding them and selling them.


Didn’t that release in May?

Last month yeah.

Didn’t used to be like this. But it’s too easy now for retailers to get info, since they don’t have to do the work themselves.

If I can’t get more than $10 profit on a book (after fees, taxes, etc) I don’t feel it’s worth my time invested in creating a listing and packaging it up.


I have been selling a ton of books lately. My cost on a lot of books is really low. If I am making a profit on a book and already shipping out other books, its not really not worth my time. Its icing on the cake


Just a heads up. I got my signed copy of SIKTC #1 Pen and Ink signed by Tynion from Midtown. Sold it for $30 in less than an hour. So I went ahead and ordered a couple more.


On eBay?



Thanks, I been so busy that I didn’t know Midtown had signed SiKtC and W0rldtr33 books.

That’s awesome. I think this version of SIKTC may do decent in the long run as it seemed to be quite limited release.

Thanks for the heads up! I had been waiting for the W0rldTr33 books to show up, as the signing was a while ago. And, I wanted a copy of the UV spot treatment cover for SIKTC. Signed for cover price, even better. Grabbed a couple.

A raw copy of Spider Man 7 (Spider-Boy cover) sold on ebay live from KRS Comics for $108. That S@#! Is crazy…

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Who bought it, Lenny from ‘Of Mice and Men?’


I’ll sell him a copy for half that

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Watching their stream live on Ebay and its crazy how a lot of the books are going from $80-300 and on books that are not even worth that (at least to me)


That’s has got to be shilled


Maybe. But I know I wouldn’t buy it. To say that I even removed the ones I had on Pre-Order lol.

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