Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

So here’s a sleeper with potential…

This week features the premiere of Ahsoka (a.k.a. Star Wars: Rebels - Season 5), and we will most likely see growing interest in comics featuring the Ghost crew.

Outside of the books that are already popular due to Ahsoka (Heir to the Empire 1, Clone Wars 1, Kanan 3, Adventures 7c), one potential book that is still affordable and creeping up in price is: Star Wars (2020) #18 Sprouse Variant. There aren’t many comics featuring the crew and their ship and this one is stunning.

There was another Sprouse variant for Bounty Hunters #17 released that month featuring Thrawn (someone predicted it to hit $50 next month but it’s likely that won’t happen), however this one seems to be more scarce and fetching a higher price on the bay.

Could be worth checking your local stores if they have them tucked away!


It was drunkwooky and I have it on the calendar still to check next month… :wink:


If your looking for good Rebels/Ghost books (and I agree that the one above is killer/best) this is another nice one to check for that sometimes get missed in hunts. Hera & Sabine are going to become insanely popular imo (not that they aren’t already among SW fans).


I’ve never seen that book! Cool.


If Hera covers start heating up Doctor Aphra #18 might be a good one. I’m still on the Aphra bandwagon too, so there is that.


Tom King doing another signing at ThirdEyeComics

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I can usually get them cheaper if anyone is interested

Tom King is a regular at the shop, as is Phillip Kennedy Johnson

I sold another Spider-Man #8 over the weekend. Making it 20 copies sold at $12.99 average. The book still sells, I know people don’t like lower dollar flips but I have made my money on the 22 copies I purchased and then some.

Also selling the hell out of GI Joe 1:10 Variants lately.


I haven’t sold much of anything lately….but there isn’t much new spec each week…i’m becoming extremely selective in what I buy to flip now…and I’m just too busy. Not aggressive at all itch listings lately.

Took out 3 books this weekend and listed them…these were books I probably should have listed 2-3 months ago…but just getting around to it.


Not a retirement book, but this Dazzler: X Song variant is feeling the heat that Dazzler books in general are right now. I listed my two copies and they sold in 24 hours.


That is a really cool cover

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cheapest gnort ratio on ebay is now over 100

I couldn’t find any 1:25 locally at ratio so I broke down and bought one on MCS for $40 before they sold out. They had them up for a while before they were gone.

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this is you…??


The only way the Gnorts 1:25 keeps going long term is if it becomes a constantly sought after iconic cover like how some Hughes and Adams comics have gotten. It’s certainly a nice cover and a ratio so it could but, if it is just another flavor of the month six months from now it will be a fifty bucks again.

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All true. But the print run is pretty big…

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Yep, especially after those store variants but if there are 1:10 Hughes variants out there that go for big bucks who knows.

I broke my rule for the Gnorts 1:25 by spending over ratio during first day release because I liked the cover and it wasn’t ridiculously over ratio. That being said, I did get it for the pc and won’t care much if it tanks.

I don’t think it is a good time to buy at $100 plus…Like you stated the print run isn’t small even for a 1:25 so for me, right now anything much over double ratio is a risk. If people are buying at $150 they have a very good chance at seeing the book at $80 this time next week and if collectors get bored of it even $50 to $60 by the new year…Of course it does have a chance where it keeps going and before long it is a $200 book. That can certainly happen but odds are with most moderns it will cool off a bit.

This might be one of those long-term iconic covers collectors will covet down the line but if anyone missed out on getting it for a reasonable price it might be worth the risk at current asking prices. If a collector misses out on this one there is always another one down the line.


Thanks for your insight. I was starting to regret selling mine for $75 but end of the day, profit is profit so I shouldn’t look back.


I’m out of the loop on this one, what’s a Gnort?

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