Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)


When I first watched this video yesterday, I’m like WTF, lol! Then I realized his whole video was him of doing a copy/paste over and over making fun of WhatNot sellers having tons of copies of a particular book.

Though nothing wrong with either of those Ghost Rider books. Hopefully he didn’t do that to confuse people and pump these books.

Which username is his on eBay?

Same reaction. I didn’t realize it was satire until 2/3s of the way through it. Far more enjoyable once you have that context.

Does he do actual spec talk? Or just the comedy angle?

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He typically doesn’t do spec at all. Most of his videos are hauls, discussion on aspects of the hobby, and mainly videos of him going to shows or comic stores.

He tends to be pretty openly critical of shops/vendors at shows and relays that in his videos (if he feels they are bad/doing a poor job/unfair/etc). There are quite a few folks who greatly dislike him because of that sort of thing (based on comments/other videos I’ve seen).


He does a lot of pickups and hauls, convention and comic store reviews. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a spec advice from him. I just really enjoy his humor. Subscribers and regular viewers on his channel would know right away that he’s doing satire by his cadence. If you don’t watch him you’ll think it’s serious because he does the whole video with a straight face :laughing:


Does he call people his “comic fam”?

I’ve sold so many of those over the years…and keep finding them now at inflated prices.

What does comichron say about how many were sold?

Yeah. I’m not buying it, or the book.

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My bad. I didnt realize he was doing satire. Ive never heard of the guy…

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Me neither. I was like WTF….and now it makes sense.

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I do watch his videos on the regular, but at first I took this video seriously until I noticed the copy/paste + WhatNot logo.

The crazy part is if you remember months ago when he got into trouble filming at a few comic book shops that he went to without asking them to do so.

Found a stash of Wolverine #36 Stegman covers and have been selling them off like crazy. Good little money maker on the 8 copies I grabbed at cover price. Those dried up faster than my Spider-Man #8’s that I sold almost 30 copies of… Small wins but I will take them all the same.


I’ve been lazy to flip wolverine 36. My laziness paid off, when I picked up my copies it was selling at $15. Is now going for $22-29 hehe.


Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #1 cover A seems to be cleaned off ebay, besides graded copies.


Seems like most places are sold out. Most of cover A sold for $3.99. Will be interesting to see what the next level is for the book

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midtown still has some, book was returnable so they probably over ordered. with ebay being cleared tho i doubt midtown stock last the day


2nd print on deck


What’s with this new wave of kid stuff mixed with over the top violence? Kill Your Darlings seems similar. I will admit, I’m intrigued by the Darlings story so far.

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I swear I read something once about how it plays on our love of nostalgia and love of scary stuff in a way that triggers our brain in a uniquely pleasing manner to see something we loved as kids made bloody. For example, that Winnie the Pooh horror movie.



That’s quite interesting. If you find the article or whatever it was you read about this phenomenon, please share. Thanks, Bitterbaum!