Modern Comics Heating Up (Those With Potential Too) (Part 1)

Kind of a cool cover. Who is that?

#3 she is, but this is her 1st cover

I think that’s her (Yuna Yang) in the background of #2A. She’s got the pink/purple hair tips and I’m assuming the expression on her face is similar to Captain Marvel’s (in the foreground) because of their whole negabands connection to each other.

Hm. Could be, but 2b is definitely the one people want

It’s so funny how this book was mentioned as new character first cover etc and no one batted an eye that week it came out because of other news/covers etc.

Same with Hulk #6. Nothing…really surprising. Hopefully it will pick up as the character is used more in upcoming issues.

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Yeah I passed on the ratios because I didn’t hear any talk about them

im hoping it goes strange academy or naomi route, sat of shelves for a month or two than exploded,


That is usually best in the current climate. Otherwise, marvel will seek some of the spec money by doing a 2nd print ratio

there will be a 2nd print id imagine, pretty sure it soldout before release

Any online order I make I add copies of cover A if they have any. I bought 3 off the shelf at my main lcs, they asked me if something happens in that issue lol. I hope it hits eventually, I’ve got about 35 of cover A and 3 of the 1:25.

I just dont think there is much value in Captain Marvel spec right now.


Theres no spec in these new b-list characters…


If there is, it’s very short lived… You gotta have them in hand and listed prior to release in most cases…

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Sales on eBay for this cover still under $10, but this is the lowest BIn.

I looked at MCS and Midtown and this cover is sold out.

I thought it was a pretty cool homage. Will have to keep an eye on it as Duke #1 and Cobra # hit the shelves.


Oh good that is the cover I picked up.

Thanks for the heads up. Found some for cover price online :smiley:

Totally overlooked this book. Need this for the Hama signing next week in NYC.

Wayyyy back in 2020 Red Hood and the Outlaws 51 & 52 came out. They contain the first appearance and cover of Tommy Maxx. It looks like the new series Red Hood: The Hill is going to bring this formerly one and done character back to the forefront of the Red Hood story.

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You joke but life pre and post 2020 for me is a legit thing. December 2019-December 2020 was the worst year of my life ever between COVID-19 being a pain and awful, and losing a lot of loved ones (not even due to COVID-19, but that made any kind of funerals hard), it sucked. I feel like that year is just a blur and I barely remember it or even the good stuff like the comics I read! Life, man, it is weird.